
If chess had a new piece


The board is 100x100

 and put a lot of pawn ♟ and general


Hmmm. The title got me thinking, and this came out. Not thought through, but seems credible.

The tempo.

A simple circular counter with a clock face on it (symbolic, not functional)

Each player has one Tempo which replaces their f-pawn. Or black could choose which pawn - same for both.

The tempo can move one square in any direction, just like the king. However, the tempo cannot be captured, or capture another piece. Nor can it castle or be promoted. A tempo blocks the square it occupies and moving their tempo ends a players turn - it is just another piece in all other regards.

In play: if a player moves any of their pieces onto a square adjacent to the opponents tempo, without giving check, they get an extra go. A tempo. They cannot earn another tempo on this free turn, even if they land a piece next to the opponents tempo again. The clock stays running for them until the 2nd move is made - it is mandatory.

Could be radically different ways to approach the play... Maybe.



a bush. no value, just an obstacle. 


To elaborate a bit on the obstacle idea: a Bush would be a neutral piece that can be captured by either player. A player that captures it must then drop it back onto the board on an empty square of his choice, in the same turn immediately after his move. Pawns would capture the Bush through their normal non-capturing move, to prevent they can change file making use of the Bushes. So pieces can land on a Bush, but sliders (B, R, Q) cannot move through it. Initially the 4th and 5th rank would be occupied by Bushes. You cannot castle if there is a Bush between Rook and King.

We could call it Jungle Chess.

A carrot.if knight-class pieces (Amazon,archbishop,chancellor,wildebeest,N-R)can capture with a knight move,they are forced to capture.

That actually seems cool


a flying horsie


castle:moves one square forword or on move sidways or one  move back.cannot capture,cannot be captured .cannot jump over(except knight class)

ExpertPlayer69 写道:

a bush. no value, just an obstacle. 

a brick or a dead stuff?




A random viking berserker that can go in any direction, jump over any piece, can only be taken by a knight

You get this "Berserker" if you take the opponents queen with a bishop on a black square.

This random piece can be placed anywhere on the board and can even use your Kitchen if it wants to.



Perhaps one of the most conscise way to add new pieces to the board would just mean to create new forms of pieces which inherits the characteristics of others. 

We can consider the following laws of square/pixelated board:1

1. There will always be a diagonal line.(Bishop)

2. There will always be a straight line.(Rook)

3. A compound form compromising  a straight and diagonal movement at once (Knight).

These are the three possible types of movements and the movement of queens and kings are just combinations.

Imagine if there would be such pieces similar in power to the queen to take 2 such types of movements from the above three listed.

Why can't we have a long knight? (Pretty sure that it would then displace the bishops or the rooks -- might also be a baord sizing 10X10 to fit  these pieces in)

You might also recommend some unique powers and abilities : Having a position-switching ability; Having a magic-capture ability ; Having a dash ability ( moving on two or more capturing blocks at once per turn); Chain-repeated takeovers ; defending pieces with fixed positions acting as an obstacle etc.

Overall , these are the fundamental basics to take into account in order to find unique ways to invent new types of pieces : Everything is related to their co-ordinate movements and involve a few mathematical concepts. This would just be more ravenous and advanced!



Here's a couple of ideas for a queen replacement, or an extra piece that could be next to the queen instead of a bishop

The Barrack: Some people call it the bruiser, others the Fortress, but it's official name is Barrack. This piece moves like the king, but it can also capture friendly pawns. Whenever the Barrack captures a pawn of either color, it will move indefinately in the direction the Barrack captured from. If it hits the edge of the board it stops and is captured. If it hits another piece, that piece gets captured as well. long story short, this piece throws pawns at it's enemies. The symbol that represents this in online chess would look like a rook, but fatter and with brick texturing

The Assassin: To the pawns he is a monster. To the knights he is invincible, to the bishops he is everything unholy, to the rooks he is untouchable. And to the kings and queens he's a sign of rebellion. How does this monster actually work? He moves one or two squares in any direction, jumping over other pieces. How he captures it is unique however. The Assassin can capture three tiles away from him, anybody who isn't obstructed by another piece can, and will be SLASHED. But since the Assassin is so brutal with his captures, it's considered murder instead of capturing, so you won't get the points from the pieces he captures. And he can only capture once every 3 turns... The symbol that represents this in online chess would just look like a battle ax.

The Obelisk: A complete anomaly of a piece. This is only capable of moving one tile horizontally or vertically (like the wazir, a fairy piece). But this has one nasty gimmick. As a secondary move, you can drag the Obelisk over one of your OWN pieces, and that piece will swap positions with the Obelisk, including the King (two checkmates anybody?) The symbol that represents this in online chess would be an obelisk, shocker.

The Devourer: An ancient being hundreds of years old that wants to CONSUME some pieces. It moves and captures like a queen, with the added bonus of jumping over ANY number of pieces. So it can go straight through both sides of pawns and capture a bishop or something if it pleases. The drawback is that the Devourer cannot move the next turn after capturing a piece, (you can imagine it still eating the piece it caught and not being able to move). And it also cannot capture the king, it can only check him. The symbol that represents this in online chess would be a hand with an eyeball in it.

The Minister: the best way to describe the Minister is if Napoleon was a chess piece. His movement is just moving one tile diagonally (like the ferz, a fairy piece). So what's the big hurrah this time? He is twice as fast. Whenever you move the Minister, you are given an extra turn where you can either move the Minister again or move another one of your pieces. You can effectively capture two pieces in one turn. Another ability of the Minister's is that he can capture En passant, basically can capture whoever passes through the 4 tiles he guards. The symbol that represents this in online chess would look like a colonist hat, nothing else.


The swapper.

It can't be captured or capture. Instead it swaps places with pieces it captures or which capture it.

It does not have a color. Either player can control it and make it swap with their or their opponents' pieces. It moves like all pieces combined EXCEPT the most recent piece to move.

Note: you cannot swap a piece into a position where your king would be in check. You can swap the enemy King into check or mate however.


It would be my lung cancer and it would be placed next to the rooks and knights and 4 of them Figure that out itself it would infect opponent pieces and that peace can infect other pieces of the infected pieces team (it's a big enough board. Piece should move max 2 squares a turn) and infected piece after 5 moves of not being cured will belong to the team that infected it Uhhh 2 because theres 4 per team Dude I didnt mean to actually write so mich for a joke comment


Where is short_quach when you need him?

How about sas_quach?

I guess it will be called the “trainer”. Sitting alongside the pawns, it will be worth 2 (better than the pawns but worse than the bishops or the knights’ worth). It can move forward and backward (but extremely limited) and can only kill enemies from the front (no diagonal kills or backwards).

I drew the rook as a dude who dresses as a tower.

In my eyes, he ain't no archer.


So basically a chariot turned into a tower after 15 centuries?

And here i was thinking that all pawns being able to become a female queen was unusual...


I also heard somewhere that the old version of a queen was a pathetic "Minister" guy who moves once diagonally. If i'm not wrong that's known as the "Ferz" nowadays?