
create dumb chess pieces

1. the skibiditoilet. it moves to a random place and turns all pieces around it into skibiditoilets

The Blight. It's an analogue of the Knight that can only be used in 4D variants and above.

It is an elementary (4,3,2,1)-leaper and is colorbound. It moves and captures by going 4 on any axis, 3 on another, 2 on another, and 1 on the last axis.

Here, let me show you how it moves.

Oh, sorry, it can't move to anywhere on this plane. Let me zoom out.

That's better. So as you can see, it moves in an elegant, simple easy to understand way, much like the Knight in regular 2D chess.

Let's zoom out to see the full range of possible moves:

As you can see it is very intuitive and easy to understand its 384 directions of movement and nobody would ever think otherwise.


Zorse (retains hippogonal movement of the knight [2,1], but also has that of the zebra [3,2])

ChessChiller wrote:

Zorse (retains hippogonal movement of the knight [2,1], but also has that of the zebra [3,2])

I don't know why the NZ piece isn't more commonly used actually, given that the NC (gnu), CZ (bison), and NCZ (buffalo) are relatively commonly used.

Someone created a variant involving the piece just about the time you made the comment.


Former Actress: combines Queen and Xiangqi Horse and it also can move 2 squares vertically or horizontally and then 1 square diagonally on that same direction (like a camel version of the Xiangqi Horse), value: 14

pds314 wrote:
ChessChiller wrote:

Zorse (retains hippogonal movement of the knight [2,1], but also has that of the zebra [3,2])

I don't know why the NZ piece isn't more commonly used actually, given that the NC (gnu), CZ (bison), and NCZ (buffalo) are relatively commonly used.

Someone created a variant involving the piece just about the time you made the comment.

Zorse is a term that I saw for a zebra-horse hybrid. I didn't know that chess had an okapi. Use whichever term you'd want for such a hybrid, then.

Every 3rd move can move one additional square starts at 0 spaces able to move. Each capture it makes let’s it move orthogonally one more time

The Squire:

Moves like a knight, but cannot jump over pieces. They must instead move in an L shape without passing through an existing piece's spot. For example, in this board, the dark knight (substitute for the Squire) can move 2 spaces up and 1 space left, while the light knight can't.

Edit: The board disappeared in front of my eyes


Before you read, know that I am completely sane

The chicken: Moves one space diagonally in any direction, moves one backwards, and moves up to 2 forwards without jumping.

Up next will be the mechachickenman



-Can only move one square horizontally or vertically.

-Can only capture to the right

-If the white Craig reaches g7, they automatically win (same for black and b2)


The website hopper

moves: it moves like a queen but when it captures a pieces it gets randomly transported to a random website


the fishop : it moves 2 squares diagonally but we can only move it when the queen, the 2 rooks and 5 pawns have been eaten


Archanine: Moves like queen but cannot move one square in any direction: can jump over enemy pieces; cannot over friendly ones. Wrapidash: Rook + king + amazon

pds314 wrote:

The Blight. It's an analogue of the Knight that can only be used in 4D variants and above.

It is an elementary (4,3,2,1)-leaper and is colorbound. It moves and captures by going 4 on any axis, 3 on another, 2 on another, and 1 on the last axis.

Here, let me show you how it moves.

Oh, sorry, it can't move to anywhere on this plane. Let me zoom out.

That's better. So as you can see, it moves in an elegant, simple easy to understand way, much like the Knight in regular 2D chess.

Let's zoom out to see the full range of possible moves:

As you can see it is very intuitive and easy to understand its 384 directions of movement and nobody would ever think otherwise.

Blight to AEi8

pds314 wrote:

The Blight. It's an analogue of the Knight that can only be used in 4D variants and above.

It is an elementary (4,3,2,1)-leaper and is colorbound. It moves and captures by going 4 on any axis, 3 on another, 2 on another, and 1 on the last axis.

Here, let me show you how it moves.

Oh, sorry, it can't move to anywhere on this plane. Let me zoom out.

That's better. So as you can see, it moves in an elegant, simple easy to understand way, much like the Knight in regular 2D chess.

Let's zoom out to see the full range of possible moves:

As you can see it is very intuitive and easy to understand its 384 directions of movement and nobody would ever think otherwise.

bro I can’t even understand 3D chess variants💀 actually not even chess variants with boards with other shapes like hexagonal chess


Pillar: really just decoration, but if it is captured, pieces of the roof will fall down every move, you lose if your king gets crushed by the collapsing roof.