
Awesome Games of Trice’s Chess (Gothic)


Saw this posted online at a Discord Channel. Just brutal attack by white. Purple boards are side variations not played (and why). Enjoy!


This was described as a Perfectly Artistic Game




Purple diagrams are analysis positions


This was the game that impressed me to try this variant




Who was black in the game above?

ArchbishopCheckmate wrote:

Who was black in the game above?

That looks like the game Cartaphilus vs. White Tower, 2005 which was recently posted in our Discord channel. Looks like Letchworthshire posted it here because it’s such a great game.


Dude gave Archbishop odds at the start and still won!


ArchbishopCheckmate wrote:

Dude gave Archbishop odds at the start and still won!

How did you get the purple square to flash in the board drawing program?



Black had guts to play like that and let the queen get pinned and still checkmate with it

Gorgon_Slayer wrote:
ArchbishopCheckmate wrote:

Dude gave Archbishop odds at the start and still won!

How did you get the purple square to flash in the board drawing program?

It’s not a feature of the BoardPainter. It was done using just Paint but by making copies then drawing the flashing images in a loop.


This was a great game way over my level. Cited as being played between two grandmasters.

With the Total Solar Eclipse passing over the Dayton, Ohio area on April 8, 2024, Ed Trice could not resist scheduling a trip to Blue Ash and Greenville to meet with friends Doug Dysart and John Vehre. As predicted, the Total Solar Eclipse began around 3 PM where we all watched from John Vehre's house. By request, Doug asked to mark the occasion with a memorable game asking Ed to make the game unique in some way. Ed remarked "I'll try to do something with with an Archbishop that I haven't done before." The game began with the rare Half Volcano Opening via transposition (characterized by black pawns on the h6, d5, and c6 squares). This opening throws the players into new territory immediately. After black's 6...Ah7 he has Supermajors creating diagonal batteries from two different directions, controlling a great deal of white-squared territory. With white's 7. Ae3? we see the first miscue of the game. The white Archbishop has one job in the opening with two facets to it: Guard Duty over the squares h2 and h3. The Archbishop must prevent both ...Bxh3 from wrecking the kingside Pawn structure and the hypothetical ...Nxh2+ from forking the Rook. The high priest has abandoned his post, and there is a high price to pay for this error. With 9...Af5!? the Heavy Exchange of Queen for Archbishop is offered by black, which white declines. The sharp tactic 16...fxg4! 17. exf6 appears to lose black's Chancellor, but even with the Tail of the Scorpion sting available for white (a check before the end of the combination) black still comes out ahead in material. 18...Ke8! is the point overlooked by white: the black King takes shelter behind white's advanced pawn on the e7 square. Capturing onto e7 would have exposed the black King. We're soon playing just 8x8 chess and Doug thinks Ed will no longer be able to do "something with the Archbishop" to make the game unique. Suffice it to say after winning a great deal of material, Ed ended up Promoting 5 Pawns to Archbishops and throwing away both his Knight and Rook to checkmate using only the Archbishops. A game whose uniqueness is unquestionable.

Why didn’t white take the black queen with his archbishop?

Letchworthshire wrote:

Why didn’t white take the black queen with his archbishop?

I was wondering that myself.