
A rather interesting chess variant I came up with.


I was thinking what if there was a chess variant where the players can make squares? And so I created some rules for this possible variant. Rule 1: No one-way passage between squares. Rule 2: No squares that you are forced to land on under certain conditions, going to a square must be optional. Rule 3: No creating squares when in check (As otherwise the king would need to be surrounded from all eight directions to be checkmated). Rule 4: a new square is created by moving to it and saying the direction you moved. Rule 5: if a new square is made but there isn't anywhere around the entrance square to place it, it is put on a new board. Rule 6: You can move to a square on a different board if you move through or from its entrance square in the right direction. That is pretty much all of the rules I've thought of. I've come up with a quick way of defending your king unique to this variant that I call "The Throne Room". It's basically just moving your king to a new square on another board and covering the entrance with another piece so that your king is safe, as your opponent needs to capture the other piece to get to your king, and as there is only one entrance it is easier to defend than if you castled, doesn't develop the rook though which  isn't very good.