
Why do People Block?


What would the MF mean? Mother Father? Anyways, I can't. I already changed my username. If you see my blog, then you'll know what I mean. happy.png


Some people just have aversion to Pink. I speak from personal experience.


that's pretty funny lone bird😅

Mellinials are pathetic
Monie49 wrote:
Mellinials are pathetic

And they can't spell either.


I just blocked ironbasicb due to his attempts to derail threads. Maybe its A.D.D.   IDK?

Hubby was playing someone, made a good move, then messaged him "F@ck you", then blocked him. Weird.

I have blocked players, but not just for a friend request. Only if they are obnoxious and send insults. If I know you in real life and we trash talk in good fun it is one thing. But a nasty comment from someone I don't know in an online venue ... life is too short to tolerate those ______ (you fill in the blank)


I also don't get why people take FOREVER to reply to buddy requests.


Maybe sometimes the opponents style is just aggressive and bizarre mixed with some amateur failure behavior. This way it's really hard to learn chess so it can be better to block such opponent than getting in the position to play them again. Imho its thousand times better to lose against a double brained opponent than an unskilled player making stupid and strange moves


I block people who repeatedly send me group requests.

FM_Checkmate wrote:

This didn't happen too long ago. I experienced it today (November 26th) and yesterday (November 25th).

Have any of you experienced this situation? Please tell me and we can help each other.

My friend blocked me once and it was one of my BEST friends.


And I don’t understand why?