what is a year personality
What is your personality type?
I'm ISTJ, and my online rating is currently 1090. I'm generally more skilled in live than online chess, though, and I'm unrated OTB. In my opinion, there's no real significant correlation between personality types (and the Myers-Briggs test is only one of the ways to measure personality, as personality cannot really be measured quantitatively) and chess ratings, both are arbitrary details about people that don't really matter. It is interesting to test if there is any correlation, though.
What if you have, like all 16 personalities ?....and why do ppl feel that that's a disorder ?....weird. I'd luv 2have all 16. How exciting !....
Having 16 personalities would be like having all your favourite foods on one plate. In other words, revolting.
My type is ESFP, that's why my team had build the best tool for people who love typology. You can play completely free here: https://opteamyzer.com/team/winnie-the-pooh-characters-personality-types
Hey guys as a hobby i study personality and deduction of people. The main test for personality is the Myers Briggs personality test. To my understanding the chess world is dominated by INTJ and INTP personalities as the better chess players. So i thought it would be cool to see what is your personality type and your online raiting.
I am an INTP and my online raiting is a 1453