I met him before. The first chess book I ever studied was by him. The Art Of Positional Play I think it was titled. I wish I had it with me when I met him, I probably could've got him to sign it.””
wow !! yes. I always wondered how it differed from tactics.
Sammy must have been renowned for positional play back then.
“””Simply put, tactics are immediate threats, 'positional' concerns are long-term advantages. If there is a series of moves that can force an outcome (win of material, checkmate), that's what tactics mean.”””
But members here are saying that Sammy was not noted for opening theory as strongly as positional play.
I always assumed you needed both at elite level or you would have been disadvantaged. Maybe Sammy was that good that he didn’t need to be one of the best opening theorists to beat many of the soviets on occasions at that time.
What was the difference between Alekhine and the magician of Riga then . Maybe one played better more inspired chess when inebriated and it enhanced his performance whereas it was detrimental to AAA’s performance. Who knows?😳😳😳🫣🙄