
People who DO NOT RESIGN in a lost position.


Not on a Daily Game, it makes zero sense 

Sorry that was kind of critical info and thus my aggravation. OTB is one thing this...



What if someone just want to learn how to win in such position?


Depends on the rating of their opponent.  Unless it is quite high they;re not likely to learn much useful.


i an happy when someone plays on. i can practice my end game


Just playing and see if the player has an end game or stalemate.


I always play for stalemate no matter how far behind I am. 

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Michael Jordan


This is true but Joe Smith playing for the Oak Villa Bobcats misses a ton he takes and ticks off the rest of the team... see two sides to things.

55NORTH wrote:

To "Thoughtdancer" I agree with you 100% but with on-line chess, as compared to OTB, etiquette and good manners don't get the respect that they should have. Don't those opponents any respect and just play the game out and then block them. If blocking happens to them enough times then on-line chess will be a better place. As to those who advocate playing slavishly for a draw in a game that really doesn't have much consequence - get a life and move on." 


Dear 55North, if you think the game of chess is of no consequence why are you wasting everybody's time playing it?  Black always plays for a draw, and if black wins, it's only because white made a mistake.  DUH.  So you're saying unless you're white you just want to resign.  Na uh.   I can do down 9 or 10 points and still beat you when you make a mistake and I spot it, and there is absolutely no reason why I should give you a win when you might stupidly give me a stalemate.  And with your attitude, I'd bet on the stalemate.





Rhodes55 wrote:

You know when its four pawns and a rook against a lone king it goes far beyond "hoping for blunder" and becomes a means of aggravating the other player by WASTING HIS TIME."  You sound like such a spoiled brat, who do you think you are?  I have managed to get a stalemate out of the position you describe, being a lone king battling against four pawns, literally hundreds of times because of all the unskilled players like you who will promote all four pawns and instantly stalemate their opponent by not leaving him a legal move before they mate him.  FFS, do you not know the rules of chess?  The rules don't demand that your opponent resign, the rules provide for stalemate and you don't like the rules!  Too bad because the rules won't be rewritten to accommodate a self-aggrandizing, self-centered brat like you. 



AIM-AceMove wrote:

They don't becouse of few reasons:

1. Kids or inexperienced low rated players who just don't know it's over.

2. Players on tilt.

3. Players who think they should have won the game and you are a patzer and holping for a stalemate.

4. Players who don't care and want to play some chess moves regardles of position.

I will show an example what can you do when such position accurs.

Looking back at old threads I've posted in. If I were to end up in this position and for some reason I did not want to resign, I would just pre-move as much as I can and play it like I'm playing a bullet game.

Adds a bit of thrill, doesn't it?

Honestly, I can't quite remember what I posted here. Would be cool if I found it.


If your opponent don't resign early when you have 2R+K vs K, this is the best time for award hunting

DoctorStrange wrote:

What do you think about them? What to do about them? When I am a Queen up and winning position my opponent DO NO RESIGN!


you shouldn't resign

your opponent can always blunder


This is an early game of mine, and why I usually, not always, err on the side of not resigning. Black is me, no idea why board is flipped.


I find it slightly odd that people are so worried about their time being wasted. Why play a board game if you're so very Type A? Most of us are not Magnus Carlsen and will not be making a career of chess...


Or 2Q + K vs K


I'm cool with these people. Let them resign whenever they want to.


you should never resign in blitz chess/ when playing rapid or longer games its different,

but in blitz always make the person checkmate you. If they complain politely advise

them (without abuse) that its not your responsibility to manage your opponents time

for them

later dudes


DoctorStrange wrote:

What do you think about them? What to do about them? When I am a Queen up and winning position my opponent DO NO RESIGN!


We want you to time out or something like that.


I'm curious, where do you draw the line as to when someone should resign? Why not look at the situation as a chance to improve tactics? If you have such an overwhelming advantage it shouldn't take long to checkmate your opponent.


When I'm down to a position where my loss looks inevitable I resign. To me if I continue its dishonorable. If your opponents rating is way low, and they don't have to skill level to finish you off that's one thing. But if their rating is high enough to reliably do the job? Then it just looks like you are saying that you don't think they are good enough. Or that its just cry baby stuff. Wah! I'm losing but I'll draw this out senselessly to irritate you.