Sure, some of those chess masters are as good as average and modern chess players. But not all of them.
If you can challenge any titled player (living or dead) in a chess match, who would it be?
Wow, @chesssblackbelt, you really like to start debates about everything. Viktor Korchnoi and Mikhail Botvinnik are still great players, even Kasparov and Karpov.
He's got the 2 things that people overrate. People overrate old players and they also overrate American players
He would probably be 2200 OTB today
Only hans is a top American player from what I remember lfmao
Continue yapping😴
Oh okay, thanks for the clarification. I remember him now for being one of the top Chinese players to break through the 2700 elo barrier. That's cool.
@chesssblackbelt, I think what you are doing is quite disrespectful. Though you are entitled to your own opinions, there is no need to stereotype like this. Not all Americans overrate themselves. I am personally not an American person, but I still think your actions are neglectful.
@chesssblackbelt, I think what you are doing is quite disrespectful. Though you are entitled to your own opinions, there is no need to stereotype like this. Not all Americans overrate themselves. I am personally not an American person, but I still think your actions are neglectful.
There isn't 1 American celebrity ik that isn't overrated
Also you have an American flag but you said you're not American
LMFAO buddy I don't think you actually know what your talking about
There's something called mrbreast
And honestly @chesssblackbelt, every time you comment something on these forums, it is something negative. Why?
But, now you're saying all of the old chess masters are overrated?!?!