
Chess Player of the Month April 2011



     Do you know someone who needs to be mentioned? Well you've come to the right place. Join this month's Chess Player of the Month for April 2011! (aka CPOTM) The rules are that you can nominate anyone on for whatever reason. Whether it would be friendly, humor, or personality, they can be nominated. However, please try to keep is positive about your nominated person.

     Each person can nominated up to 4 nominated members. You HAVE TO SAY why you want to nominate he/she or you will be ignored. If a member that you want to nominate has already been nominated, do not say: "I second the nomination!" or "I etc. the nomination." However, you can say another reason why you think that person should be nominated. I cannot be nominated. You cannot nominate yourself. Those who have won the other CPOTM contests cannot win again.

     The past winners are:

veggiegirlie, haddad56, deckers1066, Alan_Tudor, LisaV, heinzie, goldendog, ilikeflags, OmarCayenne, blackfirestorm666, batgirl, and bigpoison,

so they cannot be nominated again. It follows the same rules as the other Chess Player of the Month forum topics I have posted. 

      As for the voting rules, we will be vote on the last week(s) of this month, depending if we have a lot of nominated members or not. You will have 2 votes and cannot vote for yourself. However, you can't use both your votes for the same person. Both votes do not need to be used. Also, I want to make it clear that there is no advertising to vote for one member for it will not be fair for the member(s) not advertised. If you do advertise, you will be blocked until the end of this month AND next month, and the nominated player you have advertised will be removed from the list.

     I want to make it clear that I do understand that I cannot control one's actions from advertising, but at the same time, they should always take a look at the first post of this thread. From now on I will not be responsible for your actions, so beware. Spamming will be taken seriously so if you spam, you will be blocked until the end of the month.

     Finally, all of you have to know that this is for fun and it is just a game.The purpose is to meet new members, create new friends, and see the personalities of the people around It might be a popularity contest, but in the past, I have seen members nominate new members to who they thought were amazing friends. Feel free to send me personal messages about any ongoing problems. The winner will receive a trophy for winning this month. 

     It is now April so get ready to nominate! Any questions?


Proknight! !!!!!!!!!!





You need a reason why.


I renominate oinquarki because I just recently learned that he's 14 which means I should have been far more impressed by his forum contributions than I already was.





I nominate DerGrobemeister.

Posting sensibly from up North.


Reason please...


"Posting sensibly..." is a good enough reason for me.









Ok I've got some names (I don't even know if they want to be nominated/care anything about it) here it goes:

1.mozerdozer - he's 'webtoons' (posts ilustrated by many pictues) are awesome.

2.KiNg ChApO - he's the main guy in VoteChess

Two more Im gonna leave for later...


I would like to take this moment to nominate my friend, Windows-7_, for his continued friendship & informed contributions

kco wrote:

"Posting sensibly..." is a good enough reason for me.

Hint for Pro: Up North= Canadian

Posting Sensibly= Posts Sensibly

But if he doesn't want him in the mix, fine, I'd rather Grobe burn in hell forever than buckle under fascist dictates.

P.S. Heya Grobe old buddy.


I nominate the Grobe, for saving three puppies from a burning building that exploded as he walked away very cool-like with them safely in his arms.

By the way, those puppies went on to become, respectively, a seeing-eye dog, a rescue dog, and a spokesdog that teaches kids the importance of eating their vegetables.

TheGrobe wrote:

I renominate oinquarki because I just recently learned that he's 14 which means I should have been far more impressed by his forum contributions than I already was.

I second the renomination of Mr. TheGrobe because I just learned that he's an old dude, which means I should have been far more impressed by his forum contributions than I already was.

(Tongue out)


     I nominate Kacparov for his being such a great guy and that he is a good chess player.  He is always pleasant to talk to, and willing to show you why he has FM next to his name if you decide to play him ;)  Those are pretty good reasons in my mind, though, I am sure that there are more.

     I will see if I want to nominate anyone else sometime later...


Hasn't Kac won this already?

EDIT: Nevermind.

ivandh wrote:

I nominate the Grobe, for saving three puppies from a burning building that exploded as he walked away very cool-like with them safely in his arms.

By the way, those puppies went on to become, respectively, a seeing-eye dog, a rescue dog, and a spokesdog that teaches kids the importance of eating their vegetables.


I nominate ivandh for his uncanny ability to post terrifying and heartwarming canine-centric stories in the forums.


Kacsparov has been in the running many times, but has yet to win the big one.

By the way, bigpoison has won it, as of last month, but the list of winners does not yet reflect this.