I never could win untill I looked at a book and understood development a little. I still struggle with deep calculation, but I understand tactical ideas, once again from knowledge obtained from a chess book. I feel frustrated too when I play people that dominate me, but I don't think you should throw the baby out with the bath water. Just play people close to your skill level. I enjoy playing online because people don't always play typically. I know that I'll never be a master, but I love playing and getting better.
P.S. I also enjoy winning!
Hi, rickturner! In my opinion it is enough to know rules how to play chess, anything else could be improvisation of srategy. For that reason I am able to make absolute silly mistakes, but I am not worried about that, because I use chess like thinking in my life. But in real life are not pre written techniques (they are just for criminals to stop them by law :), so I keep free my mind in chess and in life for many unexpected things that could happen. My love to free from techniques chess is very helpful to make a strategy in my life. Just know rules and make your strategy that depends of situation and you goals. Perfect! :)
I agree