The Next Fischer Tournament
I did not inted any disrespect in naming the tounament "the Next Fischer Tournament". I started it previous to his death with no knowledge of his ill health and only with the intention to start an event in which I could meet other players with similar experiences to my own.
So is there an update from Leo that I am missing?
I assume that he took imadiedo's advice and changed the rules, but also renegged the original pairings. So how many people are we looking at for this tourney now? 64 for the great Fischer? We might have to have an anniversary tourney for the great man at this rate! lol.
Anyways its all good since I am much enjoying my game with Pawntor and would not have otherwise had the chance to play a 1900 since they don't play down very often (at least not as far down as me haha)
Can't wait to get started,
Yeah, could be 64; but could be less and a multiple of 8 or 10; I am already playing too my two games paired before, because I didn't know we could change; I don't know how many people started. We can try to count those results. We could distribute the players in groups of 8; play round robin 2 vs each player; and clasify the 2 first for a semifinal or a final. If the most prefer to play once against each player we can do the schedule too. I hope it won't take a year long.LOL
If many people are playing their two games , it is better 2 games vs each player in his group.
I would like to participate
my current rating is 1799