Hi Chees.com Team friends,
First of all congratulations for the site of wich I can't find adjectives to describe it.
Clicking an Alert of move of a game I founded this rare begginig page:
MySqli Error: Table 'chess.track_game' doesn't exist
Only of put in your knowledge,
Best Regards, Daniel Muñoz Crespo ' Pichin '
Only for make you know... o ' to put it, etc
Hi Chees.com Team friends,
First of all congratulations for the site of wich I can't find adjectives to describe it.
Clicking an Alert of move of a game I founded this rare begginig page:
MySqli Error: Table 'chess.track_game' doesn't exist
Only of put in your knowledge,
Best Regards, Daniel Muñoz Crespo ' Pichin '