
Organizers: Unimaginative or Pragmatic?


Granted organizers want the big names to attract sponsorship and attention.

For instance London Chess Classic 2011. Lets assume Anand, Carlsen, Aronian are a given to be invited first for any tournament.  This year Aronian was added without pushing out anyone from last year.

Put yourself in the shoes of someone who could influence invitations.

What favourite player of yours, who is seemingly shunned by organizers, would you put ahead of either Kramnik or Nakamura for next year's invitations?

For the UK population. What UK player, who up to now has been absolutely shunned by organizers, would you invite to replace McShane if he decides to quit chess next year?


Do you think that an invitation to chess masters will help in holding the tournament ? Note that they are demanding and spoiled as children . Therefore they will not arrive on tournament if in it there will be no greater prizes . They may require even only for the fact that they will arrive to you, you pay them .