
manual double elimination tournament(1600 and below)


here are some things about the games:

 -they will all b 3 days per move(no exceptions)

-there will only b allowed 8 people in the tourny(including myself)

- all games are rated.

-no vacations; if u r caught on vacation, u will b disqualified.

-every one needs to label their game "tanner's  tourny"

-only players allowed to enter this tourny have to b rated 1600 or below 

- i WILL b monitering games from time to time.

other stuff: i will try to make most of the matchups as fair as possible. i will occasionally update ev1 on the situation of who won lost or was eliminated.

 the first 4 people to post can chose whether themselves play as white or black in their game... please post ur rating.

1st 4 posts need to chose either black or white.i will announce who will play whom after all spots are filled. keep track of it b/c if u take too long to respond to ur opponents challenge or dont challenge ur opponent in time, u will most likely b disqualified.i will tell u who u will be playing, if u win,after all of that round's games have been played.

...every winner needs to send a message to me telling that u won.send a message, dont post.

 all playing as white will challenge black. if u r having problems with ur game or opponent(not on where to move), feel free 2 send me a message telling me specifically the problem. again, the games will start when all spots r filled and i tell u ur opponent.


I'll play.  I'm 15something right now.  To be fair, you should do it by seeding.  (Highest ranking and such).  That way the fair matchups occur later on


When does it starts?Please send me a message about it

I'll play I'm nearly 1200

I would like to be white thanks

4 more spots.

Ill join, im in the 1400s

ill be looking to defend my title :) 

o and ill be white if i can

thanks tanner 

    I'll join but I've tried to join other tournaments and I couldn't because i needed at least 5 games done first. Is this a requirement for all tourneys?
i'll play. i'm 1347. can you send me a message, to keep updated. if i'm the first four, i'll play white.
If there is still a place, I'd like to be in. My rating is 1576.
i'm sorry, i'll have to withdraw, unless this tourney starts after next weekend, i won't be able to participate without a couple of 3 day vacations
diomed1 wrote:     I'll join but I've tried to join other tournaments and I couldn't because i needed at least 5 games done first. Is this a requirement for all tourneys?

not 4 this 1. like i said, this tournament is manual and not run through computer systems

since grensly had 2 withdraw there is !!!! 1 MORE SPOT !!!!
Is this place still available?  If so, may I join?  Currently rated 1570 ish.
tourny is filled. sry but it won't start for a few days. i am going on a trip so i'll be on vacation from chess. i'll start it when i get back.

I'M BACK!!!!

here are the 1st round games for the tournament:

  •    white                             black
  • ***************************************************************
  •       tln621           /       kanon
  •       redhotman    /       diomed1
  •       zhane           /       xuan66
  •       rimmy          /        rcholmes

        if u have any questions about the tournament, send me a message. remember that this tourny is double elimination, so u are not out unless u have 2 losses.

              WHITE CHALLENGE BLACK!! name the game "Tanner's tourny" ev1 good luck :)                            

xuan66 hasn't started yet so wot should I do ?
Zhane wrote: xuan66 hasn't started yet so wot should I do ?

u challenged him right? well if he isn't responding then send him a message about it. if he doesn't reply to it or accept challennge after that then let me know.


I have sent a message like you asked and still no reply.

Please can you look into it ?

sorry i haven't been on 4 a while
Please can you tell me when the next round is underway ?