
Comparison between Fide rating & rating awarded by


Hello all the players of,

            Please differentiate Fide rating and the rating awarded by the


Thanking you, 


Poorly correlated.  

Strong FIDE performance may result in excellent chess no matter what the medium but the reverse is certainly not the case.

I am new to ratings, how is it different compared to FIDE rating system?
TadDude uses Glicko to rate the five types of games offered on the site.

FIDE uses Elo (not ELO) to rate OTB tournament standard games.


I have a pretty decent rating (more or less..). If I were to play against other chess players with a similar FIDE rating I would be Lady Gaga at a PETA meeting - violated.

ypperlig89 wrote:

I have a pretty decent rating (more or less..). If I were to play against other chess players with a similar FIDE rating I would be Lady Gaga at a PETA meeting - violated.



My Live Chess ratings are usually in the 1700s (sometimes a little higher or lower) and, based on games against Fide rated players, I think that is more or less where I would stand in Fide if I were going to tournaments regularly. My "turn-based" rating is somewhat inflated, although not by as much as with some other people.


I have to disagree: I have been playing for quite a while on and my rating is between 1500 and 1600, but when I view games with FIDE rating where some players have ratings less than 1000, even those games seem to be played at least as accurately, if not more accurately than the games I have played. I would estimate that in general the ratings on are about 50% higher relative to the FIDE ratings.


Well but I was talking about Live ratings, can you read ? Your Live ratings are in the 1200s not "between 1500 and 1600".


I didn't know there was such a things as a fide rating under 1000


A FIDE rating is an over the board rating based on games between two players working under the same time restraints and each taking the game seriously.  There are many approachs by players.  Some use data bases, reference books, analysis boards and take hours to decide a move.  Some consider turnbased games as practise for overthe board games or a nice way to pass the time of day.  Some play without reference material, or study boards and move quickly usually less than 15 minutes a move.  They may use the games for opening experiments and filling in time while watching TV or browsing the net.  A FIDE rating is a reliable indication of a players ability. ratings mean little.

CapAnson wrote:

I didn't know there was such a things as a fide rating under 1000

This indicates the lowest is 1200.

"Rating Floor 

The rating floor will be 1200 from 1.7.2009. It means that a first result giving a rating at least 1200 for an unrated player is taken into account when calculating the unrated player's first published rating."


Well, my FIDE rating performance is about 1700-1800, my live rating at between 1550-1600. And as I have already played with some NM rated 1800 at I think that ratings are in general lower then OTB ratings.


I have 2 ratings:

National: 1630+

Fide:       1803

I think it's much easyer to get a high online rating than a real one.


Some reasons why:

-You can chose your opponents, what side to play, you can abort the game early if you don't like how it looks and not lose rating.

-The online rating is the worst, if you want to you can ask a friend, a computer, you can use the analyze board...


But on other sites who have the 5-0 3-0 and others where you can't chose your opponent, side to play, and you can't abort a game witout losing points... Then it's much harder to get a high rating.

I play on icc, if you compare the blitz rating with the 3-0 or 5-0 rating, whow! I have found GM's with only 1800-1900 in 5-0! The same player can have a 2400 rating in blitz!