
Australian Vote chess team


Hi fellow Aussies, expats,

Myself and two other Aussies would like to put together an Aussie vote chess team. We'd like a team of 10 players before we start challenging other teams.

Cool If you'd like to join this team and challenge lets say... the Americans for starters, please drop me a note and I'll keep you up to date with the progress.

Cheers from Danny


Sounds like a great idea. Sign me up!


No worries mate, that's four of us. 6 more and we'll start putting out the challenges.



Would it matter if I'm actually a South African living in Australia?

I would love to be part of the team?


Lemme join lemme join!!!!


wdewit you're in.

weir96 I've sent you a friendship request so I can keep you up to date with the teams development. Good on you both for joining up.

Thats five on our team, five to go.

Cheers from Dan.


I'd be interested in joining the team!


I am in is should be good.Cool


How are the team doing? how may members still needed?


We have 5 members,

Basically each Aussie I've played plus one from the forum post.

Perhaps we should try to make a start with the members we have and see what transpires. Perhaps more will join if we are playing games.

Cheers from Danny


Welcome Trent the chestnut & kco, I'll send you both a friendship request so we can keep in touch about the teams development.

That makes seven. Great!


OK... while I am waiting on my next move I've been hunting around this site and have found where the members list is and in it is a listing by country!

So... If a site manager is reading this post could they please tell me if it would be considered spamming if I sent an info about this "Aussie vote chess team" plan to the Australaian members of

Also: There are a few Australian online groups in Because I am not a financial member of I have asked one of the groups sites managers if they would consider allowing the "Aussie Vote chess team" to use his group for comunications & team development. Why? : because online groups can only be run by financial members.

I am going to join the Aussie groups online here at to invite players to our Aussie vote chess team.

Cheers from Danny.Cool


UNFORTUNATELY I am now aware that in fact I would have to upgrade my membership to enable me to run such a project. I am not cashed up enough to do so. If anyone wants to take this further by all means blaze ahead and please invite me as I can join in but not run the show. Best wishes from Danny