As I'm playing nearly exclusively the Bird Opening I think this one is a good choice if Black simply wants to copy/paste White's moves if he doesn't have a clue what to play against 1.f4
Until now i played it rather succesfully and it certainly has some quick trike potential if black doesn't usually know what's happening and he accepts the From with a tempo more+ a pawn on f4 for the white side.
I think I would accept, because of the centre. White has no d- and e-pawn and his king looks rather vulnerable. I think the power of this opening is the surprise element. As black I would probably want to castle queenside.
What do think of this in OTB or Live play?
As I'm playing nearly exclusively the Bird Opening I think this one is a good choice if Black simply wants to copy/paste White's moves if he doesn't have a clue what to play against 1.f4
Until now i played it rather succesfully and it certainly has some quick trike potential if black doesn't usually know what's happening and he accepts the From with a tempo more+ a pawn on f4 for the white side.
Would you accept it?