What's the worst chess opening in your opinion? 🤔
Although I'd be less vehement about the Scotch (I confess to disliking meeting it as Black) and the Centre Counter (I played it for years in the 1980s) than @ibrust I pretty much agree. In particular, the Englund both sucks and blows at the same time. I studied it back when I was some good at this game. Even bought Smith and Hall's book on it. And found it was utter dog's mess if White avoids a couple of famous traps. For information, my bar is quite low on these things: I played the Elephant Gambit for a whole season and occasionally go doolally and essay 1...,g5. But worst? Worst of all? I nominate the King's Gambit Accepted variant known (if I remember aright) as the "Orchard Gambit". 1. e4, e5; 2. f4, ef; 3. b3 [no, that's not a typo]. Pointless. Simply pointless. Waste of a potentially decent position.