
What opening should I play 2000+?

I am around 2000 plus and love playing e4 however recently I have had trouble getting anything out of the opening with the ones that I play against lower rated players I was wondering if anyone would recommend me the ruy Lopez for my new main opening against 1e5 for reference the openings that I currently play and my style is against 1 e6 I play the Tarasch French against 1 c5 I play the English attack and Yugoslav and against 1c6 I play the fantasy if not the ruy Lopez what else would you recommend?

The post is worded unclearly. Are you playing the Ruy Lopez against lower rated players and not getting success with it, or is this your main e4 opening and you are struggling with other openings against lower rated players?

Since you already crossed 2000 rapid on, you probably already realize you can play pretty much any solid opening as long as it doesn't conflict with your repertoire (transpositional problems tricking you into a different opening you didn't want).

If you aren't getting success with an opening, then you can either use that as a reason to explore and learn other openings, or you can dive deeper into why this opening isn't working for you and then keep improving upon this.


Don't look for new openings just improve the one u use

KeSetoKaiba wrote:

The post is worded unclearly. Are you playing the Ruy Lopez against lower rated players and not getting success with it, or is this your main e4 opening and you are struggling with other openings against lower rated players?

Since you already crossed 2000 rapid on, you probably already realize you can play pretty much any solid opening as long as it doesn't conflict with your repertoire (transpositional problems tricking you into a different opening you didn't want).

If you aren't getting success with an opening, then you can either use that as a reason to explore and learn other openings, or you can dive deeper into why this opening isn't working for you and then keep improving upon this.

i am playing the glek currently and am strugging to get early advantages and was wondering if the ruy would be good


Your account is new, you're already 2000 rapid and you don't know openings. You must be sheeting, I guess.

Crazy7butZombie wrote:

Your account is new, you're already 2000 rapid and you don't know openings. You must be sheeting, I guess.

i know openings ive played over the board i am just looking for new openings i also used to play on lichess

RhysBlunders wrote:
KeSetoKaiba wrote:

The post is worded unclearly. Are you playing the Ruy Lopez against lower rated players and not getting success with it, or is this your main e4 opening and you are struggling with other openings against lower rated players?

Since you already crossed 2000 rapid on, you probably already realize you can play pretty much any solid opening as long as it doesn't conflict with your repertoire (transpositional problems tricking you into a different opening you didn't want).

If you aren't getting success with an opening, then you can either use that as a reason to explore and learn other openings, or you can dive deeper into why this opening isn't working for you and then keep improving upon this.

i am playing the glek currently and am strugging to get early advantages and was wondering if the ruy would be good

I'd give it a try if you want to experiment. The Ruy Lopez is a solid opening, so if you are willing to explore, then I'd go for it. Here is one of my YouTube videos; this one is about the Berlin Endgame. Perhaps you know the pawn structure knowledge I share, but if not, then this video may help you think of chess in a different way:

RhysBlunders wrote:
I am around 2000 plus and love playing e4 however recently I have had trouble getting anything out of the opening with the ones that I play against lower rated players I was wondering if anyone would recommend me the ruy Lopez for my new main opening against 1e5 for reference the openings that I currently play and my style is against 1 e6 I play the Tarasch French against 1 c5 I play the English attack and Yugoslav and against 1c6 I play the fantasy if not the ruy Lopez what else would you recommend?

watch chesspage1's ruy lopez tutorial or top chess' english opening tutorial. you won't regret it

nexusdubs wrote:
RhysBlunders wrote:
I am around 2000 plus and love playing e4 however recently I have had trouble getting anything out of the opening with the ones that I play against lower rated players I was wondering if anyone would recommend me the ruy Lopez for my new main opening against 1e5 for reference the openings that I currently play and my style is against 1 e6 I play the Tarasch French against 1 c5 I play the English attack and Yugoslav and against 1c6 I play the fantasy if not the ruy Lopez what else would you recommend?

watch chesspage1's ruy lopez tutorial or top chess' english opening tutorial. you won't regret it

Thank You


Disclaimer: my peak grade was 2000 and I'm nowhere near that good now. But I used to be a trainer, and my advice on crushing much lower-rated players hasn't changed. It's not original to me: it is paraphrased from Simon Webb's excellent old book, "Chess for Tigers"... Do not necessarily try to exploit their first mistake. Treat their entire playing style as a big mistake and keep accumulating advantages until you can cash in safely. What the fish graded 400 ELO below you wants is messy complications in which you might also overlook something. So don't go there.

RalphHayward wrote:

Disclaimer: my peak grade was 2000 and I'm nowhere near that good now. But I used to be a trainer, and my advice on crushing much lower-rated players hasn't changed. It's not original to me: it is paraphrased from Simon Webb's excellent old book, "Chess for Tigers"... Do not necessarily try to exploit their first mistake. Treat their entire playing style as a big mistake and keep accumulating advantages until you can cash in safely...

That's still really good and I like your profile about playing chess for fun and also the comment about playing chess when Karpov was World Champion. I like the clever way of speaking happy.png


I’m still confused on what the OP is playing.

What is Glek?

Is it the Bd3 line?

RhysBlunders wrote:
I am around 2000 plus and love playing e4 however recently I have had trouble getting anything out of the opening with the ones that I play against lower rated players I was wondering if anyone would recommend me the ruy Lopez for my new main opening against 1e5 for reference the openings that I currently play and my style is against 1 e6 I play the Tarasch French against 1 c5 I play the English attack and Yugoslav and against 1c6 I play the fantasy if not the ruy Lopez what else would you recommend?

Look, If you really are 2000, You are arleady a damn strong player. This means You are unlikely to get a truly helpfull advice on this forum, It is rather You who schould be giving friendly tips to beginners and lower intermediate players.

I would recomend You to contact a coach, at Your level you probably need a help from a profesional to improve further.

Being, a much weaker player then You, I would nonetheless remind You, that the higher the level of play is, the more chess' overal drawishnes is felt. I've often read, that only a tiny share of openings reallly lead to an opening adventage for White. This might the phenomenon You are experiencing.

Ruy Lopez is said to be one of openings that really hold a promise for opening adventage.

Compadre_J wrote:

I’m still confused on what the OP is playing.

What is Glek?

Is it the Bd3 line?

I prefer to reach these positions via 2. Nc3 > 3. g3 though, inwhich case it's called the Paulsen or Meisis variation, but some people play it after the four knights in response to the Petrov. 
Thus far I've found it hard to find something truly new and inspiring to play as white in e4/e5. There are many forcing variations but they always seem so memorized it's not really that appealing. But this is something I like about these g3 systems, it's a very different sort of game, though the eval is about equal. 

@Post #14

Thank you for the diagram, Ibrust!

Yeah, I have never heard or seen that position before.

My first reaction is the line looks very suspicious.

I have played Fianchetto lines extensively throughout my Chess Career. Normally, when your lead pawn becomes fixed, you will often struggle to make any head way in the position.

The Lead pawn e4 which is on same Diagonal the LSB will be on (g2) has been fixed by opponents e5 pawn.

As long as Black’s E pawn stays on e5, It will cause the White e4 to be unmovable. This will cause the Bishop on g2 to be inactive. White will be playing down a piece essentially.

I think it would be better if White doesn’t Fianchetto the LSB in this position based on pawn structure.


Well that could be why it's equal, I'm not completely sure, but it seems almost all lines in e4/e5 either end up in some predictable forcing algorithm, or end up equalish, or end up in a drawish ending like the berlin. I'm still looking for something I really like in e4/e5 but haven't seen much.
But in the g3 systems white players often try to push d3 / f4 and keep the center closed / do a kingside attack.
That said... it's been pretty rare in my games thus far that the e4 pawn stays immobile for the duration of the game, or even for very long. And if it does... black is also cramped with d6 / pawn stuck on c7 often. White has good control over d5 in these lines due to Nc3 / Bg2 + Nc6 and e5 being played. But usually what's happening is black is just playing it badly, e4/e5 players generally aren't positional players.

There are quite a few lines where the center becomes mobile though. This is one of the main lines -


In the e4 + e5 lines, I believe only 3 lines are considered challenging.

1) Ruy Lopez

It comes as no surprise that the Ruy is the King of E4 with out a doubt and the opening advantage White is said to have is around 0.30 which is the highest opening edge a set up can have with best play.

2) Scotch

I have never played the Scotch, but I have read the Scotch opening advantage with best play is suppose to be around 0.25.

3) Italian Game

Not all lines of the Italian Game are created equal. Some lines are said to be equal, but the 4.d3 line is supposed to be the line which gives white a small advantage.

Yassir Serawan, himself, said he believed white had a 0.20 advantage. He said it wasn’t a Major advantage, but it was small nagging advantage which if Black didn’t manage correctly could be built up.

I, for one, am not going to argue against Yassir.

Yassir is a living Chess Legend as far as I am concerned. I believe him.


Keep in mind, if Black plays perfect, Black will eventually neutralize White opening advantage and Black will reach a state of equality.

The question is whether or not Black can play well enough to reach the said equality.