What is your top 1 opening 🤔 ✨️ in chess

I like the kings Gambit as white or the french defense at black(I'm really bad at Chess so don't judge me)

Common opening with a. Deadly trap one of my favorites for players 500-1200 because less than 500 don’t get opening theory enough to stumble into it and above 1200 usually can see it coming.

Common opening with a. Deadly trap one of my favorites for players 500-1200 because less than 500 don’t get opening theory enough to stumble into it and above 1200 usually can see it coming.
For anyone wondering, it is called the Blackburne Shilling Gambit. I also use it a lot. After the move Qg5, if they take your pawn with a fork you can take the g2 pawn. After that move probably people will play Rf1+ (mistake) so you can take the e4 pawn with Qxe4. If they cover their king with the bishop, Kf3 is checkmate. If they close with the queen, you win a free queen and possibly checkmate white. Here is more info at 2#:

What I didn’t read your post i looked up the moveset but i rarely use opening names just opening THEORY

Scotch Gambit and Petrov Defense are my fav
Caro Kann is playable but Vienna Game i prefer more personally speaking.

Dutch defence
I know that the winrates are suboptimal but I like how flexible and unbalanced it is the open king is a problem but we get easy quick development and dynamic play and tactics.
Another thing I like about the Dutch is that if we are ever at a disadvantage we can always lock the position as black and vice-versa.
But it doesn't matter what the winrates are or how stockfish evaluates it you should just have fun playing the opening and have good knowledge about the opening.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."