
What is the best chess opening?

aflfooty wrote:

b4 is by far the best and most modern. All other openings have been done to death



VIENNA :brilliant


d4 is the best

Sicilian and kings gambit.
#40 when I play b4, if my opponent plays e5, I like to play c3. I feel like this discourages any attacks on my pawn.
Wait nvm I forgot which side the king was on
I thought that was a fools mate setup lol

Why do you disrespect such a good opening as Orangutan


Play Bugayev or the gambit variation after e5


Some of my favorites are the Evans gambit, KID, and The Scotch Game. I used to be a e4 and only e4 player but now i mostly play d4.

Mr_Benjwal wrote:

d4 is the best

d4 is boring


What everyone thinks: (post number)

#2: King's Pawn Opening / Queen's Pawn Opening

#3: King's Pawn Opening

#5: King's Pawn Opening: The Bongcloud (against lower rated players) / Vienna Game (against higher rated players as White) / Sicilian Defense (against higher rated players as Black)

#8: London System

#9: Pirc Defense

#10: Réti Opening (as White) / English Opening (as Black)

#13: Scotch Game / Italian Game / Queen's Gambit

#15: King's Indian Defense / Queen's Gambit

#16: London System

#18: Polish Opening

#19: Italian Game / Giuoco Piano / Four Knights Game

#24: Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack

#25: Clemenz Opening

#26: Italian Game / Queen's Pawn Opening

#27: Italian Game / Ruy López Opening / Sicilian Defense: Open, Najdorf Variation

#30: Scotch Game / Budapest Gambit / French Defense

#31: The Cow

#32: Sicilian Defense

#33: King's Pawn Opening

#34: Ruy López Opening (called Spanish Opening in original comment)

#36: Sicilian Defense

#37: Italian Game

#38: Ruy López Opening: Morphy Defense, Exchange, Lutikov Variation

(I'm too tired to type more)

TumoKonnin wrote:
Mr_Benjwal wrote:

d4 is the best

d4 is a thing?


Acrobatic-Insect202 wrote:

What everyone thinks: (post number)

#2: King's Pawn Opening / Queen's Pawn Opening

#3: King's Pawn Opening

#5: King's Pawn Opening: The Bongcloud (against lower rated players) / Vienna Game (against higher rated players as White) / Sicilian Defense (against higher rated players as Black)

#8: London System

#9: Pirc Defense

#10: Réti Opening (as White) / English Opening (as Black)

#13: Scotch Game / Italian Game / Queen's Gambit

#15: King's Indian Defense / Queen's Gambit

#16: London System

#18: Polish Opening

#19: Italian Game / Giuoco Piano / Four Knights Game

#24: Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack

#25: Clemenz Opening

#26: Italian Game / Queen's Pawn Opening

#27: Italian Game / Ruy López Opening / Sicilian Defense: Open, Najdorf Variation

#30: Scotch Game / Budapest Gambit / French Defense

#31: The Cow

#32: Sicilian Defense

#33: King's Pawn Opening

#34: Ruy López Opening (called Spanish Opening in original comment)

#36: Sicilian Defense

#37: Italian Game

#38: Ruy López Opening: Morphy Defense, Exchange, Lutikov Variation

(I'm too tired to type more)








#50 Ruy Lopez, Open #49 Sicilian Defense: Smith-Morra Gambit, Qxd4 line #48 Queen's Gambit Declined: Austrian Variation #47 English Opening: Agincourt Defense #46 St George Defense #45 Goldsmith Defense #44 English Rat #43 Konstaniopolsky #42 King's Gambit bishops gambit first jaenisch variation #41 Slav Indian #40 QGD, exchange line #39 Indian Game knights variation #38 Sicilian, Smith-Morra Gambit, c6 line #37 Vienna Gambit #36 Guccio Piano Game Evans Gambit #35 Tennison Gambit #34 Reti Gambit #33 Tan Gambit #32 Pirc, Small Center Defense #31 Bogo-Indian #30 Nimzo-Indian #29 Albin Countergambit #28 Ruy Lopez, Marshall Variation #27 Ponziani, Jeanisch Counterattack #26 Pirc Defense Modern Defense-Geller System #25 Semi-Slav Defense #24 Triangle System #23 Reversed Sicilian #22 Nimzowich Defense Declined #21 Nimzowich Defense #20 Guccio Piano Game #19 Dobois Reti Defense #18 Colle System #17 London System #16 KID #15 KIA #14 Froms Gambit #13 Dutch #12 Pirc Defense #11 Czech Defense #10 Van Geet Opening #9 Englund Gambit #8 Neo-Grunfeld Defense #7 Grunfeld Defense #6 Owens Defense #5 Modern Defense #4 Halloween Gambit #3 Sicilian Defense #2 Kings Gambit #1 VIENNA GAME


Birds opening 2 surprise ppl in 1 min bullet. They don't have time to think. Grob opening is complete garbage and then Sicilian is just plain annoying. Kings pawn is boring. Ruy lopez is boring. Queens pawn is boring. Guico Piano/Pianissimo Game is so old-school. (I think thats how you spell it) And then Bongcloud is just an utter disgrace to chess. Orangutang opening downright sucks. And then a4 and h4 also suck bcuz they are useless. f3 is literally the worst opening there is. then theres also the Wayward queen attack that is so annoying but surprisingly effective but is still trash bcuz you can defend it. Amar opening- JUST WHY? And imagine playing the durking opening. So yeah. I'll go with the either the birds opening or the King's pawn opening. Theres not really much too choose. Im sorry you had to hear (or read) me rattle off the worst openings in chess. I really am.


[Site ""] [Date "2024-10-22"] [White "sybr3n999"] [Black "Tegenstander"] [Result "*"] [TimeControl "-"] 1. c3 e5 2. Qb3 * This one (The Queen's power opening