
What do you play as Black against the Queen's Gambit?


What do you play against the Queen's Gambit as Black? 

I am wondering what other people play against this opening.

I will wait until July 2nd and post the results and a new forum!


I assume you mean what do we play against 1.d4 and 2.c4. It is only a Queen's Gambit if Black plays 1...d5. 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 is NOT the Queen's Gambit. It is unknown until more moves occur. 2...e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 is a Nimzo-Indian, 2...e6 3.Nf3 b6 is a Queen's Indian, 2...e6 3.Nc3 d5 transpose to the Queen's Gambit Declined. 2...g6 3.Nc3 d5 is a Grunfeld, etc.

That said, none of my games as Black are Queen's Gambits.

Against 1.d4, I play 1...e6 and now:

2.c4 f5 is a Dutch

2.Nf3 f5 is a Dutch

2.g3 f5 is a Dutch

2.e4 d5 is a French

2.Nc3 Bb4 and now 3.Bf4 gives White a bad version of either the Jobava or Barry Attack, depending and 3.e4 d5 leads back to the French Winawer

2.Bf4 f5 gives White a bad version of the London System, specifically known as the Dangerfield Attack.

No Queen's Gambit on my board when I'm Black.


Ok, but I was asking what you play after 1. d4 d5 2. c4.

If you did not face the Queen's Gambit in any games then please do not respond to this post.

The info was interesting though!


May be bogo indian



There are 3 good responses:
1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6
1 d4 d5 2 c4 dxc4
1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6


Try this on move three play c5. Most white players don't know how to play against it and if they do the mainline can be very tricky. Tarrasch Defense


Thank you

tygxc wrote:


There are 3 good responses:
1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6
1 d4 d5 2 c4 dxc4
1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6

A fourth is 2...Nc6


For about two years or more I've been playing the Tarrasch Defense against the Queen's Gambit. Black is willing to take on having an IQP in exchange for battling for space and free pieces from the get go. 1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 ( 3 Nf3) c5. My experience has been that black's king is safe, black has fairly good chances to draw, a slight chance of winning, and somewhat of a chance of losing. It's an ok defense I think, to me it seems not top tier but not tier two either, rather in-between. In a bid to do better, I'm switching to the Nimzo/Bogo after recently finding a book on the Nimzo/Bogo that I like.


Slav is probably my favorite line in this setup. Tarrasch is also cool though. QGA is a solid line, I used to play the QGA but it's just a bit boring if they play the mainline, even though it's completely solid... and you can't play it all the time against the english or reti.

QGD would be truly great if not for the exchange variation, which just kills the line for me, I can't see any line I want to play as black in that variation...
I would be happy if there were one though, because the tartakower is an epic variation, but I have looked and I just don't see one. *maybe* the semi-tarrasch comes the closest, but it's hard to be thrilled about that line.
But on the upside it's a great line to play as white


The Tarrasch is simple, active and easy to learn. Also perfectly good against the English, and Reti opening.


This is kind of an interesting way to avoid the exchange, but I haven't played it. It does look promising though, maybe I'll try it someday


The exchange variation of Queen's Gambit is in good shape for black currently, see game 3. Nepo v Ding world championship for example. There is also the mention 3...Be7 and semi-tarrasch style

1.d4 d5 2c4 e6 3Nc3 Nf6 4pxp Nxp I would actually play this it avoids the so-called carlsbad structure after 4...pxp were club players love pottering about not too much actually, but they are comfortable.


The QGD... Rock Solid!

(As mentioned above) employing 3...Be7 to avoid Kasparov's Exchange Var and being prepared to go into the Alatortsev Var.

Usually people play the Normal Exchange Var.. Few diehards go farther down in the QGD ... If they do. lately I've been play the "Old Guard" Orthodox Var. The the Rubinstein Attack always pushed me away from it... I discovered Mathew Sadler's QDG (probably the best book I've read on it) Covered the 8...b6 and 9...dxc line of 7.Qc2 Rubinstein Attack, takes a lot of the steam out of it.

It's a must know line of you play the Orthodox

First played in 1968 by GM Robatsch

The two database's I have access to

Chess 365 has very few wins by white (doesn't give a 1-0 stat) a 63.6 % 1/2-1/2 and 27.3 % 0-1 16.7% 1-0 a 50% 1/2-1/2 and 33% 0-1

The thing I like about the Orthodox... One can see how it influenced other defenses. (look at the above game... looks very Lasker Var. It's got everything in it. And super solid.


Highly recommended!

May be out of print but it explains things well and gives example games that show the themes.

I play the Tartakower Variation. Only problem is: almost no one plays the QGD any more. All I see are these lame Londons and Colles.


my opinion is you should play queens gambit declined and play the tarash

bigbeast321 wrote:

my opinion is you should play queens gambit declined and play the tarash

The Tarrasch is a great opening. Only way to get an advantage against it is with superior technique late in the endgame (ala Karpov vs Kasparov) that said ... 99.99999% of us will never be that good... (to see the microscopic disadvantages of the Tarrasch endgame)


I play the Tarrasch or the Kings Indian depending on mood, what I played last vs opponent & specifics. Generally, I like to play classical, e.g. Tarrasch, vs modern setups & players and modern, KI, vs classical setups/players.

They are both interesting games and different enough that I dont get bored. Plus, the types of positions are varied enough that there is crossover ideas in other openings I find myself in. With the Tarrasch I mix in Dubov, Schara and other gambits. With KI I generally take a narrower selection of lines. Their common features are that black gives up something for active play and that when it goes bad black can usually find ways to fight on a bit longer.



This is what I play.

wickedNH wrote:

This is what I play.

How often do you get 9. Bg5 ?? I rarely see it in my games even though it is the most challenging. I see 9. dxc a lot then 9. b3 and 9. Be3 also. I can't recall the last time I faced Bg5.