
Weird Sicilian line


These moves are all book moves , yet  at the end Fritz analyses -3.6 for white . Maybe someone higher rated can explain how this provides an equal game for white ?

This is why I hate the Sicilian...28 moves and they are all "book moves". Good luck memorizing that...As for your question, how many times does this position show up in the book? It could be Fritz is just playing through a game, unaware it is walking into a nasty position. Sometimes the book takes the game too far, preventing fritz from thinking its way through the position.

29. Qxd5, Bxd5 30. Nd6+ (winning the rook), Kg6 31. Nxc8, Kxg5

By this point white is down a bishop, with no way to defend the g4 pawn thus loosing it along with white's pawn advantage.

White's only chance is take the black queen (show me if I am wrong), forcing that line.


I don't like this opening!

some moves of this oppening are wrong! 

White fails with 8. g4. A better move is 8. h4 to follow on with h5 attacking blacks king-side which is the aim with the Yugoslav attack. 13. Bh3 was also a bad move as it denies the rook of the h file. g5 would have been a better move prying the h file open for the rook but black bet white to it, stopping all the chances white had for an attack.

8.g4 is usually good, I think myself too.When b4, then Nce2 and h2-h4 + Lh3 is white plan. Of course that everythink goes what black do....:)


12. Na4 is played very often and then 12...Qa5 13.b3...Very hard,interesting, game.Of course that opening is very large theoretical,but many players club level is not that good memoring everything, so WHY not played this  kind of opening...Its battle anyway!


This is almost an exact line from a US Nats game I saw.  The only real deviation of this line from the other was on move 15 with the pawn capture.  However, the Black attack is almost the exact same in the end and it's all but unstoppable.  Similar positions arise out of a lot of the Najdorf.


And for the record, the 6. f3 is very premature.  6. Be3, Be2, Bg5, Bc4, and f4 all are more common and (I believe) better for white.  It may be a book move but that doesn't make it the best, or even good.  As Black, I'd be glad to see 6.f3 out of this position, seeing as its a much better move against the Yugoslav attack or any other Dragon for that matter.