weak opening
That's so true... I was having a lot of trouble with people who opened with 1. f4 still a while ago.
In the original post, black missed. 3. ... Qh4+ 4. Ke2 Qxg4+ 5. Nf3 exf4 (5. Ke1 Qh4+ 6. Ke2 exf4)
Black also missed 4. ... Qh4+ 5. Ke2 Bxg4+ 6. hxg4 Qxh1 (6. Nf3 Bxf3 7. Kxf3 Qh5+ winning the queen).
Advancing the pawns that shield the king without being able to defend the attacking lines is a recipe for disaster in any phase of the game.
i was just messing around, i believe this is teh worst way to start of things in a game but heres what i came up with..