What I usually do is I just play normally like the queen isnt there, develop your knights and other pawns. Then after you have good development you can attack it! I hope this helps.
wayward queen attack defence/counter attack (as white)
With this position I would recommend moving your knight to protect your pawn in the center, do not move you g pawn up 1 to attack the queen, or atleast make sure your pawn in the center is protected before you do this. If you move the g pawn immedatily white can take your center pawn with a check then take your rook.
With this position I would recommend moving your knight to protect your pawn in the center, do not move you g pawn up 1 to attack the queen, or atleast make sure your pawn in the center is protected before you do this. If you move the g pawn immedatily white can take your center pawn with a check then take your rook.
in one of the games i played, black just ignored the e4 pawn and went straight for the g2 pawn
what do you think i should have done there
That is a very strange varient. I have never seen that before if you see him go to g5 maybe consider playing pawn to g3 that why he cant take it.
That is a very strange varient. I have never seen that before if you see him go to g5 maybe consider playing pawn to g3 that why he cant take it.
righhht i should have seen it would be protected by my queen, thank you for the advice
Go to YouTube and search “how to punish the wayward queen.” And there are lots of videos for simple replies.
in #4 Nf3 (hitting the Queen) should have been played in place of Nc3 and Black can't really take on g2 because White's bishop is on f7 so Black will get forked (after Rg1 the Queen would be forced to h3, setting up for Bxf7 and Ng5 winning the Queen... maybe start with Bxf7 if you think it's less likely your opponent will see the combination in that move order) (Of course Black doesn't have to take the Bishop or even to take on g2 but this position is very good for White.) Even without this tactic Nf3 will usually be a good move against this kind of play. The Queen has no business going pawn hunting when White has two pieces developed and Black has only moved the Queen. Also in the finale position White is still fine after Qf3, defending everything.
I absolutely f'kking hate the Wayward Queen and love destroying someone's hopes when I completely dismantle it. Tho...I have to admit once in a while some variant of it bites me in the ass.
I discovered this experimenting with different king pawn opens, and omg. I have a disgusting variant for black.
Helpful tip for anyone facing wayward queen. Don't respond to it aggressively, as if it's a "trick" open. Doing that, you fall into the trap of the opening, which is to scare the opponent into disrupting their own development and positional strength by hyper focusing on only the queen; despite the fact that to play the open correct, requires precise coordination with the knights and pawns most(in my personal experience since I discovered it). Bishops tend to be too idle in the midgame, and in the endgame, I find them useful primarily after whites queen is taken and I can use at least one of them to support knight and rook, but even then, I prefer both knights and rook, to bishop rook knight. ill even take the knights without a rook over the three. I'm a super low average player, but yea, this opening is "tricky", but it goes for both sides. stall knights with pins, mechanically advance your pawn chain step by step, keep it ordered and cohesive within your position. Don't go on tilt focusing on the queen. A queen is only ever a bishop or a rook once it actually hits you.
recently i have come across a few players that use the wayward queen attack as black, does anyone know a good defence against this? i cant seem to find anything online for whites defence, only blacks.