top ten openings?
1.Ruy Lopez
2.Kings Indian Attack
3.English opening
4.Guico Piano
5.Queens Gambit Declined
3.Gruenfeld Def.
4.Nimzowitch Def.
5.Alekhines Def.
I prefer the spanish bob, monkey wrench and the openfrenchbobwhoisactually spanishbutlooksamericanbuthasanenglishaccentwhichisweirdbecausehisparentswereauzzie
I can make up words too you know!
Not in order because I keep changing!
White: 1.Rossolimo 2.Scotch 3.Muzio Gambit 4.King's Knight Gambit 5.Queen's Gambit 6.Italian 7.Spanish 8.Polish 9.English 10.Tarrasch.
Black: 1.Slav 2.QGD 3.Dragon 4. Kann (a.k.a Kahn, Cann) 5.Icelandic 6.From 7.Cunningham 8.French 9.Hippopotamus Formation 10.Philidors Defence.
My plan is to practise two years the Queen gambit for Withe and the Sicilian For Black and then experiment other openings.
d_case, if u r serious and lookin for a good opening then i suggest a not too pricy book...
for white:
Giaco Piano, Petroff, Two knights thingymajig
for black:
Scandanaavian defense, not sure wat my other is called!