
top ten openings?

the scandanavian and semi slav are kinda like the dutch defense.. let me know how that goes
does it matter which opening you use on each color?

A risky albeit very dangerous opening.

the scandanavian and semi slav are kinda like the dutch defense.


The mainline Scandinavian has little in common with the Dutch or Semi-Slav. It's similar to the Caro-Kahn, a solid defense that's hard to penetrate. They even share the same pawn structure. However, the 2...Nf6 Scandinavian gambit can be risky and dangerous.


1. e4

If black responds with 1....e5, then 2. f4 of course.

if black responds with 1....c5, then the open sicilian.

if black responds with 1...d6, I reckon we'll play a pirc

if black respnds with 1...e6, the french it is.

If black responds with 1...c6, caro-kann

if black responds with 1...Nf6, I suppose we'll play Alekhine's Defense.

if black responds with 1...Na6, I'll smile at the little lemming.


If white plays 1.e4, I'll play 1...e5

If white plays 1.d4, I'll play 1...d5

if white plays 1.c4, I'll play 1...e5

if white plays 1.f4, I'll play 1...d5

if white plays 1.Nc3, I'll play 1...Nf6

if white plays 1.Nf3, I'll play 1...Nf6


anything else, I'll work out over the board.



I see Ruy Lopez a lot, and I mean a lot!  After that, I believe that the Queen's Gambit is in vogue right now. Also, the Indian and English opening show up frequently.  I myself prefer the Scotch Game.  As black, of course, the Sicilian Defense is the one I see a most frequently.  Finally, for beginners Giocco Piano is always one of the most popular.  Is the one I learned first and I still see it and use it ocassionaly. It is a nice happy-go-lucky opening.  So, Top 10 I will say:

1. Ruy Lopez

2. Ruy Lopez

3. Ruy Lopez

4. Ruy Lopez

5. Sicilian Defense

6. Queen's Gambit

7. English Opening

8. Indian Attack

9. Scotch Game

10. Giocco Piano


Of course, these lists change over time.  There was a time that the Philidor Defense and the French Defense were on this list but now are rarely used.

thanks for the imput, however when i play i feel that dutch, semi-slav, and scand are similar but whatever you guys are the pros!

Only need one: Bird's Opening
ive seen a couple good games played outta that.. one being the swiss gambit!

"Only need one: Bird's Opening"

1.f4 d5

white resigns...



Just joking... actually I like H.E. Bird's opening.

batgirl wrote:

"Only need one: Bird's Opening"

1.f4 d5

white resigns...



Just joking... actually I like H.E. Bird's opening.

 what is H.E.?


d_case wrote: "What is H.E.?"


Henry Edward Bird 

anyone else?
thankyou, i agree hot flow!

I prepared Kings Indian and Sicilian when i am in defense color respectively.



My list of 10 best openings. From number 5 on, the order of the openings is pretty much random (not a big difference between number 6 and 10). 

1. Scandinavian Defense (3... Qa5)

2. Bird's Opening

3. Old Indian

4. Scandinavian Defense (3... Qd6) 

5. Sicilian Dragon

6. Philidor Defense

7. King's Indian Defense

8. Ruy Lopez Exchange

9. Grand Prix Sicilian

10. Morra Gambit
all of the openings talked about thus far are very good. it depends on my mood what openings i play. some times i like to mix the opening and try to create different openings. b3 and b4 are also good first moves to consider, especially when it comes to traps (only if you know the opening). usually i play ruy lopez, queens pawn and some times Nf3 as white and as black, i play e5, d5, french, Sicilian and caro-kann and also pirc is a solid opening. it all depends on the styleLaughing
I think I was made for the Ruy Lopez and the Scotch game because I played them when I was a begginer and never knew about the openings.Laughing
lol hahah niiice