
top ten openings?


i was wondering what ppls top ten openings would be... taking into account positioning, development, tactical advantages, and so forth

1) any indian/barcza system
2) birds
3)dutch/scandy defense
4)english sicialian var.
5)czech-scand alekhine
7)quiet opening
9)wagners trap
10)terrorist attack(as posted in openings section)

respones welcomed

I can tell you about the ones I believe are the top three: Giuoco Piano, Sicilian Defense and Ruy Lopez. Those are the ones I see more at
yes, the sicilian is one i wish to explore more

thanks keny!
i don't have 10-maybe 3 or 4 which i am comfortable with. ruy lopez,giuoco piano,queen's gambit, or three knight's game.

excellent, have to check on using the knights game was well


My top ten openings?

As White:
1)Scotch Game
2) Colle
3) Colle-Zukertort
4) Reti (transposes into a KIA/ g3+Bg2)

As Black

1) Scandinavian
2) QGD
3)____________ (not quite sure yet)

I also use Ruy Lopez, Sicilian, and Giuoco Piano heavily.  I'm not yet comfortable enough with the Queen's Gambit, but I like how quickly the Ruy Lopez allows me to castle.  Makes me feel safe, you know, inside.Tongue out
castling is huge when i play,it ususally comes back to haunt me later in the game if i dont do it soon enough

I prefer less popular openings where the theory doesn't go 20-30 moves deep (like in some lines of the Ruy Lopez) but perhaps only 8-14 moves deep. I enjoy playing chess more than I like memorizing opening lines (or relevant master games). Wink


Seriously, though... at your level mastering opening principles is more likely to improve your rating than studying openings lines. Good luck!

likesforests wrote:

I prefer less popular openings where the theory doesn't go 20-30 moves deep (like in some lines of the Ruy Lopez) but perhaps only 8-14 moves deep. I enjoy playing chess more than I like memorizing opening lines (or relevant master games).


Seriously, though... at your level mastering opening principles is more likely to improve your rating than studying openings.

i agree, i like to know different variations, however utilizing middlegame tactics and knowing how to manipulate pieces and your opponent is what i strive to achieve

wow, noobs don't memorize that much guys are talking alien.....Piano?Zukertort?QGD???

1. Caro Kann Spassky variation

2. Reti / Kings Indian Attack

3. Sicilian Najdorf Main Line

4. Sicilian Accelerated Dragon

5. Queens Gambit declined

6. Catalan

7. Kings Indian Defence

8.Nimzo Indian Defence.

9. Ruy Lopez

10.  (not sure)

thanks, accelerated dragon is pretty sweet... and nimzo is pretty coool too
Franch and Benko gambit (for black)
sorry French
Openings analyzed to move 30 and beyond are really looking at the middlegames arising from the opening. Many "opening" books now go beyond the opening and into the middlegame. My favorites : Sicilians, Spanish (Ruy), Queens gambits, KID, slav, french, benko gambit, kings gambit, catalan, various benonis ........not necessarily in the order listed.

For me it's the Bird , KG , GPA and Reti Gambit from time to time.

As Black mostly (semi)Slav , Dutch Leningrad , Scandinavian with 3....Qd6 


1: Spanish

2: Sicilian Dragon

3: Sicilian Kan

4: Benko

5: French

6: Grunfeld

7: Alekhine

8: Caro-Kann

9: Bishops Gambit

10: Catalan (when I used to play d4)


I don't have 10 (would that I could know 10 openings without muddling things up!!) but I still have a LOT of work to do on my opening...whenever I'm able to get out of the opening unscathed I'm a worthy opponent...otherwise I'm easily brutalized in the opening.  My favorite openings, however, are:


1.Ruy Lopez


3. and against the Sicilian, my most favorite positions (and actually the opening I like playing most in general [though it doesn't always come up]) come from the Morra's Gambit  I'm usually not an attacking player, but the development allowed in this gambit encourages anyone to attack!


1. Sicilian

2. Two Knights Defense

3. and a Slav-lookin' setup

I'm learning a couple of new ones, though, that I hope will benefit my game.  Likesforests, what are those less-popular openings that you like? 

thats a niie setup