
This is why I love the koltanowski gambit.


Probably the best game i've played in a while. It took me forever to remember this Qh5 move. I have studied this opening so many times. All the responses and ways to grab or push for an advantage. I'm still not done of course, there's always something to learn, but this one just felt so intuitive. After 6. Nxd4 exd4 was wrong and I knew it. Problem is, I'd only studied it a few times because I rarely see this variation. Most people instinctively try to hold on to their bishop pair and take with the pawn (not so great) or the Knight (even worse). My opponent played this correctly, taking with the bishop after 5.d4 but pretty much everything went wrong for him after that. That's why I get excited when I see Guicco Piano. I get to play MY opening and I have a lot of fun with it. This one was fun to just break down his position and the pinned f pawn proved fatal as well. Fun game and I hope you enjoy it as well.Β 

Best vibes to everyone!!


Nice play!

I started playing that gambit. Actually I think I learned it from one of your previous blog posts on here-- so thanks!

It is very fun can lead into the Max Lange attack, as in your above game.

I suggest Bg5 on move 10, but this was still a game to savour!

ChrisZifo wrote:

Nice play!

I started playing that gambit. Actually I think I learned it from one of your previous blog posts on here-- so thanks!

It is very fun can lead into the Max Lange attack, as in your above game.

I suggest Bg5 on move 10, but this was still a game to savour!

@ChrisZifo It's really quite solid as gambits go. This is really the only one I play with any frequency. But, I'm trying less to focus on openings specifically and moreso on being principled while playing. I just posted this here because this happens to be one of my favorites and I happened to play it well this time. That studying really pays off. 😁😁😁😎😎😎


Nice multiple tactics and threats! Lol