The King's Indian Defense
I was wondering some of the best responses for White, and some general good moves for black after the bishop is put in a fianchetto.
I am a big fan of the KID as Black. You pretty much always want the moves ...Nf6, ...g6, ...Bg7, ...e6 very early followed by a timely ...d5. The way to learn KID is to go find games of masters with KID. In fact, the two best players of all time are KID advocates: Fischer and Kasparov.
As far as white... Why open d4? I'm with many classic masters that 1.e4 is the only true way to open a game.
Hi Everyone,
Has anyone ever played the King's Indian Defense? It goes:
1. d4 Nf6
2. d5 g6
With a bishop's fianchetto intended.