
The Boring Opening

Not every opening has a name. You can look up the most of them on wikipedia or chess sites. And what makes you want to know their names so much?
because these are my games and in my database and scorebook i want to have the opening names down!
what should i type into wikipedia?

Have you tried to google these, might save you some time. Put the moves in comma's and you'll get exact matches only, there are several sites with every possible opening listed.

 e.g. "1 e4 e5 2 c3"




when i typed this opening in it just came up with loads of famous games with that opening but no name!
hmm, ok most crap openings dont have names, but a few do.  All the 1.d4 openings have names for a start!  seriously though, Anderssen's opening 1.a3 used i think to get computers out of book, according to chessmaster 1.a4 is called the Ware opening, and 1.a4 e5 2.h4 is the ware opening/crab although i think it makes some of these up...  1.f3 has to be almost as bad as it gets, but according to chessmaster this is "Gedult's Opening", Petrov's Defense/Damiano variation is another example of a crap opening with a name.  Also the Damiano defense 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f6 is pretty terrible.  I think he gave his name to them when he showed how crap they were... unlucky for him Laughing
oh and

The first one looks like a messed up Stonewall, I think.

Want to know another wierd opening (a sort of spinoff on the Ware Opening)?  Try the Cornstalk Defense, probably the most dubious response to 1. e5.   The Cornstalk Defense (also invented by Preston Ware, the namesake of the Ware Opening) is also sometimes known as Ware's Defense (or something to that effect).

 When I was just learning chess, I used to play the Van't Krujis Opening (1. e3) and then follow with 2. d4.

Then there's the Ponziani Opening, which I recently started playing: