
The BAD opening!


So here are the moves: 

Note: It can be in any move and order for your opponent but you must play in the BAD move order...

It can be played as black as well,

That's why I call it the bad opening and also's bad.

Though it is a troll opening it may have some plans.

You can learn a bit about it on my following blog on it... 


  • Future c4 and e4.
  • If c4 then play on the queen side and if e4 the king side.
  • Most of the time you may attack the queenside.
  • The queen's bishop likes to get developed in the form of fieranchetto.
  • The knight β™ž on b1 (or b8 for black) may move to the natural c3 or c6 squares especially if c4 is played or on d2 or d7 to prepare c4 and e4.
  • The other knight may move out naturally especially when e4 is played by you.
  • The King's bishop ♝ can develop on the long diagonal or by going to e2 and then developing on the other diagonal. 
  • Sometimes e3 and forming a cow set up is also fine.
  • Bring the Rooks on the open files. 
  • Make sure to Stat safe by castling. 
  • This is how a game may look like.

If you wanna troll more that those silly three moves then you may keep pushing the a and b pawns till the 5th rank or maybe even sacrifice them on the 6th rank.

Guys I want to make this opening popular so everyone reading this please try it and share your games here, and do use alternatives to make thus opening famous. You may even ask Levy to try this BAD opening. So, guys, please help me 😌.


Let's go 😌πŸ”₯