
Sicilian with 2...d5!?

does anybody know what this sideline is used for??

usually used to get a bad position unless white played 2.c3 so you'll have to be more specific here

D5 is good against 2.c3, against 2.Nf3 it´s pretty stupid. After 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d5 3.exd5 Qxd5 4.Nc3 white has already big advantage.

2...d5 also works after 2.f4 and 2.g3.

#4: After 2.f4 d5 is good as gambit 3.exd5 Nf6, After 2.g3 i would rather not play d5.

in all seriousness i do not think anyone would play 2.g3 against the sicilian


It's rare, but not extremely rare. It's almost as popular as Wing Gambit 2...b4 according to my 8 million game database (9000 vs 9071 games). It's mostly an off-beat line that some people play from time to time in blitz. And it has also been studied a bit. I remember seeing an article on it on some magazine like CBM or NIC or some online article.


The Scandinavian is a pretty respected opening, so 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d5 is an excellent way to transform it to a horrible one.

sndeww wrote:

in all seriousness i do not think anyone would play 2.g3 against the sicilian

The patzer playing Black suffered quite a bit to equalize, but eventually he made it.

Pretty much everyone has played 2.g3 at blitz games, and Rapport has even used the move at a few regular time control ones (winning all of them).