What were you playing before the KID against 1.d4?
Should I learn a new opening for black?
The Colle doesn't work as a stand-alone opening. The Colle only works when Black's LSB is locked behind the pawn chain. You need to also learn the White side of the Slow Slav and then something against Fianchetto Defenses, like the Torre.
1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.e3 e6 - Now the Colle works, whether Koltanowski or Zukertort is a matter of taste.
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.e3 - Here the Colle works as well
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 - here 3.e3 is a bad move. White's legitimate options are 3.c4, Torre Attack, London System, Barry Attack.
1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.e3 Bf5 (or 3...Bg4) - this is actually known as the Anti-Colle. White gets no attack down the b1-h7 diagonal because the Bishop is not hemmed in. Only way to punish Black is 4.c4, attacking d5 and opening up the queenside. After 4...c6, you have a direct transposition to the Slow Slav. 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.e3 Bf5 is the exact same position.
And as far as the Kings Indian Defense, nobody wins on opening alone. You need to win with sound middle and endgame play. I played an over the board rated game last night. I was on the White side of what would most similar to a Hippopotamus, but not exactly the same thing (1.d4 d6 2.e4 Nd7 3.Be3 g6 4.c4 Bg7 5.Nc3 b6 6.Nge2 e6 7.Qd2 Ba6 8.Ng3 h5 9.Bd3 h4 10.Nge2 h3 11.gxh3 e5 12.d5 Nc5 13.b4 Nxd3 14.Qxd3 Qh4 etc.). I did not win because of the opening. I won because of a better understanding of the subsequent middle game, and executing the winning endgame after I won a pawn. Openings don't win you chess games.
Do I try to learn a new opening? And which one? Tournament is starting next week.
Learning a new opening just before the tournament is a sure recipe to lose.
The KID is fine. Anything is fine.
If that will be your first live tournament, you should worry about other things, not about openings. Things like: notice when your opponent makes an illegal move, try to play legal moves yourself, know how to write the scoresheet, remember to hit the clock, remember to look at the clock and so many more things. Openings are irrelevant.
Do I try to learn a new opening? And which one? Tournament is starting next week.
Learning a new opening just before the tournament is a sure recipe to lose.
The KID is fine. Anything is fine.
If that will be your first live tournament, you should worry about other things, not about openings. Things like: notice when your opponent makes an illegal move, try to play legal moves yourself, know how to write the scoresheet, remember to hit the clock, remember to look at the clock and so many more things. Openings are irrelevant.
Makes sense honestly, thanks
Tho i think since most of the time i dont even play it right it ends up being the pirc defense? at least according to chess.com
At your level, it doesn’t matter what opening you play. Concentrate on basic opening principles:
develop quickly
occupy/control the center
castle quickly
connect the rooks
avoid weakening the pawn structure
if you do this, you will have a playable position and be in a good position to beat players at your level. If you don’t do this, you will lose whatever opening you played.
I got reccomended the KID when I looked for openings, and learnt the basics. Well now i got a tournament at my club where im not sure i will be able to win just with that opening. Also because with white i use basically the opposite (colle system) Do I try to learn a new opening? And which one? Tournament is starting next week.