
rate the alekhine defense out of 10

i’d say 6/10 because although the knight on f6 creates a threat to the e4 pawn and prevents scholars mate it’s not the best piece to develop in the first move

That is a very questionable view on the Alekhine Defense. First of all: 1. e4 Nf6 doesn't really create a serious threat as most White players will simply play 2. e5 and attack the Knight. However that's exactly what the player with the black pieces wants to achieve. White pushes the Knight around and creates a big center. So White argues that Black simply lost time and suffers a space disadvantage. Black on the other hand argues that he will be able to counter attack and destabilize the center. If Black succeeds, he will be the one with a an advantage because his structure will most likely be more solid.

The Alekhine is a typical example of traditional vs. "hypermodern" chess. Do you occupy the center with pawns and play principled? Or do you prefer counter-attacking and heavily unbalanced middle games? If you are in the first camp you should stay away from the Alekhine Defense. If you are in the second camp it's a Defense made for you.

So overall I think it's more a matter of style than strength. Engines usually prefer to play with more space and will almost always give White an edge when evaluating Alekhine Defense positions. But overall and especially in practical play between us amateurs it is perfectly fine.

So I'd say if you want to rate it, it is probably comparable to the Scandinavian Defense or the Pirc/Modern Defense in terms of strength/merit.


I give it a 1. Basically violates every opening principle in existence with possibly the lone exception of the fact that it does not develop the Queen too early.


9/10. Very fun to play, and very solid, and most White players fear it and go for 2.Nc3 or other tame stuff.


I'd say 4/10 ... I like the idea of playing such a different position on principle, but I think white's response is sort of obvious and straightforward, just take space and play chess... I also find hypermodern middlegames are just simply harder / less rewarding to play. But if I wanted to play a hypermodern position I think the modern is better - I don't think the knight on b6 is great, I'd rather push those pawns... But I usually tell people who are interested in alekhines to play the nimzowitsch sicilian - similar idea but with c5 played white can't just play obvious space taking moves and get a great position, in the lines where your knight does get bumped (not the main line) your knight goes to c7 rather than b6 (not blocking the pawns), and in practice white goes wrong here alot more often.


I would say 7/10. In my opinion, it's a good opening, but Black must be careful since the f6-knight is often chased around the board, if White plays e5 on second move.



The Four Pawns Attack is quite dangerous.


You abandon the center, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. c4 Nb6 4. d4 d6 5. f4 and only white can win.

Black surrenders too much space.



0.1/100. Move pawn to e5 /:

This is my first word


Alekhine is a 9/10 imo, pawn to e5 is what us Alekhine players want, as white usually overextends the center, leading to a tough position to defend.


In the Alekhine, blacks allows white to build a massive pawn center, but saying that that center is a weakness and a target, while White thinks the center is a strength. I love when I play against the Four Pawns and watch their defenses crack and break before the pressure.
