


How do you know what opening will be the best to use?


Any named opening that has progressed over the years should be good option. Sicilian, French, Queens Gambit, Kings Gambit, Spanish (Ruy Lopez), Scotch game, etc etc. Theres a load of them.


Put it this way, dont start playing the boungcloud attack! (Cool) or things like 1.a4, 1.h4. Although these are named openings and playable i wouldnt suggest playing them all the time.

No one opening dominates over all the others.  I recommend finding an opening you enjoy playing for White, and an opening you enjoy playing for Black.  An opening should fit your style and accomplish the majority of your opening objectives.

I dont think that there is such a thing as a "best" opening per say.... otherwise we would only use one all of the time, and chess would become quite boring  ;)

 now, there are "worse" openings i suppose, or openings that are not as good... (as mentioned above) but all that an opening really is is just a certain order that a certain chess players before you decided to move their pieces, and it worked for them...(and countless others after)

 then of course you have to name opening variations based on how many moves in you are and what your opponent does....

just think of it this way.... white only has 20 possibilities for his first move.... same for black.... (8 pawns with 2 possibilies, and 2 knights with 2 possibilities)

that's like 40 possible openings right there..... all in the first moves for white and black. Then of course the variations for the 2nd moves grow exponentially from there... and then the 3rd, 4th, 5th, all the way to how ever many moves your game lasts for, by which point your not really into openings, but middle and end games i guess....

so memorize about 20,000,000,000,000 combinations of moves and you should be ok :)

Just play chess and stop worrying about openings.  Know the ideas of your openings and move on.