
Openings with Black


Hi, I am noticing that in my games I am doing a lot better with White than with Black, and I suspect that has something to do with the fact that I don't have a solid repertoire with Black, what openings would you recommend (intermediate/advanced)? 


For me, I try to (hopefully) force my opponent out of their prep as soon as I can. So as Black, against 1. e4, I play the Scandinavian (with 2. ... Nf6). Against Queen's Gambit, I play the Budapest. These openings of mine aren't the best, and they'll lose every time to computers or against Magnus Carlsen. But against amateur humans, there is a real advantage to pushing an opponent into unfamiliar positions. I have a lot of fun with these two openings against players at my level (1400 blitz / 1600 rapid).

I guess it comes down to personal preference. Some people will never play an opening that a computer doesn't approve of, and so Scandinavian or Budapest are not for them. But if you have a more practical mindset, maybe these two openings could be worth a try. Another thing: Scandinavian and Budapest together account for vast majority of my games when I play as Black. This cuts WAY down on any opening study that I do.


A lot depends on your style of play.

If you prefer aggression, The Sicilian or French should be played against 1.e4. If you prefer king safety and a more positional game, then 1...e5 or the Caro-Kann. In both cases, if you prefer a more open game, go with the first mentioned (Sicilian/1...e5), if you prefer more of a closed game with maneuvering, go with the latter (French/Caro-Kann)

Then you need to look for complimentary defenses against 1.d4. Like a French player prefers more of a closed center, but is not sitting back to wait and is looking for an attack, unlike a Caro-Kann player, and so the Kings Indian or Stonewall Dutch fits him well. A Sicilian player is more likely to do better with a Grunfeld or Benoni, while a Caro-Kann player might do better with a 1...d5 defense, whether the Slav or QGD. 1...e5 players must know many pawn structures, like that of the Nimzo-Indian, another pair of openings that work well together.

If you play anything other than 1...c5, 1...c6, 1...e5, or 1...e6 against 1.e4, can't help you. I see the other 16 moves by Black against 1.e4 as trash!