At move three it is a Two Knights Defense. 4.d4 is the usual move. After the more classical, 4.Ng5 d5 5.exd5, Black has Na5 (usual) or Nd4 (Fritz over 100 years ago, not the program) or b5 (Ulvestad). After 5...Nxd5 6.Qf3 it seems Black has 6...Qxg5 7.Bxd5 Nd8 and White does not have d4 because the bishop on c1 is not protected, so 8.Nc3 c6 9.d4 Qg4 leaves d4 hanging. Instead 6.d4 (Lolli c.1760) is stronger, while 6.Nxf7 is the Fried Liver Attack.
1.e4 1.e5
2.Nf3 2.Nc6
3.Bc4 3.Nf6
4.Ng5 4.d5
5.exd5 5.Nxd5
does any one have any views on this? is this already an opening?