
My favorite opening


I really enjoy playing the Morra Gambit.
It's called the Scandanavian Defense (aka the Centre Counter).  It's good, but White often gets the chance to chase around the Black Queen and gain some time.
Well after this, i do what is best for my queen, which is think ahead, if prepares a queen auto trap to anybody, it wont be me.
What move will you make after White plays Night c3?
Yeah, the Scandinavian is my favorite opening too (when I am playing as white! Smile Because the guys who play it against me never have any idea what they're doing and I win every time..
Bad opening for white,Black can atack his queen,and then he have one more move.

One of my favorite openings (though I don’t think it has a name) is an opening that stops my opponent’s pieces from nearing my king or my last rank! It works really well against the knights!

my favorite opening is probably The english opening or scandinavian but i like the full control too

well ive been looking at new openings i like kings indian the reti opening and the sicilian dragon opening


My absolute favorite opening is the Barcza (Nf3 ..., g3 ..., Bg2 ..., O-O ...). So many options, so much control, such interesting games.


John, the problem with that opening is it allows white to develop "with tempo," meaning that white can develop a piece while attacking one of your more valuable pieces (usually forcing you to move it), leading to larger central ground control, while chasing around your pieces (in this case, your queen) and not allowing you to develop at all. Nc3 (as mentioned above) forces you to move your queen again (essentialy "losing" a turn) and giving white a strong lead in development.


One of the biggest mistakes most starting players make while playing chess is to bring out their queen too early in the game.  While she's your most powerful piece, she plays such a vital role in the mid to end game, that spending time developing with your less valuable pieces and taking control of more ground is the most important part of the early game.  In my experience, the queen acts best as a secondary attacker/defender.  Your queen may be powerful, but on her own, she's quite susceptible to coordinated attacks from less valuable pieces


Agreed with #11

I would love to face this opening because you are bringing out the lady too soon. Develop your middle ranks and lesser pieces - Versus shuffling one strong piece around the board.  You can win with this opening but it shouldn't be your everyday every match move.

Eugen wrote: What move will you make after White plays Night c3?

Well Qa5.

But though you're right, cause you developed a piece and black's queen isn't anymore attacking pieces

I prefer the 2...Nf6 variation myself.
The scandinavian is a perfectly sound opening, although personally I find it a little bit dull.
I love that opening too. As white. Chasing that queen around.

Blackmar-Diemer Gambit baby!

Can easily transpose from the center-counter: 1 e4 d5 2 d4
KingLeopold wrote:

Blackmar-Diemer Gambit baby!


Can easily transpose from the center-counter: 1 e4 d5 2 d4

 Yeah, I've been playing it a lot lately, usually starting from 1. d4 d5 2. e4. I've also found you can transposte into it from 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nc3, because many people will play 2. ... d5. Fun opening.

