Yes Erik! I also think this is a very reasonable system. I agree with your comment about aiming for an equal middle game rather than a 25 move deep theoretical opening where your opponent can suprise you with a devastating novelty that they saw in the databases by some GM. I also like to just achieve a equal middle game where both sides have chances and out-play my opponent. I usually try to stay away from the very sharp openings.
I think the g3 move against the four knights game is a very reasonable and solid idea. The bishop on g2 can become very powerful on the h1-a8 diagnol if the player with the black pieces is not careful. Also the fianchetto set-up really keeps white's king safe for some time.
Sometimes when I am playing white against the Sicilian defense I will even play 1. e4 c5 2. b3!? or 1. e4 c5 2. d3!? and play for the g3, Bg2 set-up to avoid all the opening theory.
I look forward to playing some interesting games with you Erik! (once the website adds the feature for playing live games on the internet)
I am not all that ambitious in the openings. I'd rather play for an equal middlegame than a theoretical battle. So I play the Glek, which is basically the 4 knights with g3! Here are some sample games of the Glek where black makes the wrong kinds of moves (...Bxe3, Ne7, etc). I play white in all of these games: