
king's indian defence


king's indian defence.

I find myself playing this opening alot after 1.d4

 any opinions?

I play it quite a few times too, its a very sound opening. But im only a novice.
Pitts you seem to have gained a move for black there on the normal moves :-)  Anyway seriously the KID is a pretty good counter attacking defence with a lot of possibilities to morph into various lines.  Note that d6 for black goes into the KID, black can also play d5 which is the Grunfeld which is a little bit different.
oops I screwed that up! there is that right?
The_Pitts wrote: oops I screwed that up! there is that right?

now you've got it.  Don't know what your level of chess is but my opinion is it's a great opening to learn with, lots of imbalance and variety.