
King's Gambit Traps



As a beginner, i enjoy seeing this match. I love the KG, and one more time, i see that is really effective. And it appear to us that all white pieces are out...simply : I LOVE IT!!


Thanks guys, I appreciate your comments. Whether you're offering a compliment or constructive criticism. =]ย 

pfren wrote:

Well, you are rather rightly assuming that Black with ...c6 wants to block your bishop (although its highly unclear why he voluntarily retreated the h4 bishop and spared a move on the less-than-useless h6).Playing ...d5 with bad development is easier said than done

So how you react?

Simply by playing 9.e5?? which allows him to block your bishop with your own aid!ย 

Nuff said.

i have to admit it wasn't the greatest game. but what should I have played instead of e5? i'm just looking to see how i can betterly execute my openings

pfren wrote:

Well- first I want to make clear that white is not worse after 9.e5??- the game is probably balanced after Black's 9...d5. So -why the double question mark?

Just because the move is strategically totally inconsistent, simple as that.

What the opening principles say?

- Develop you minor pieces well, and fast. Mission already accomplished.

- Bring your king to safety. Not yet completely implemented.

- Put your heavy artillery to open, or semi-open lines. Not yet.

Now, time for a plan. Anyone can see the semi-open f file, but the f1 square is occupied by white's king. Solution? Simplest and probably best is 9.Kf2, planning naturally 10.Rf1 and an eventual Kg1.

Just out of curiosity, I fed the position to Houdini. He really likes 10.Kf2 better than 10.e5 or 10.d4 (the latter being a natural, but not terribly consistent move), but the evaluation differences are close to insignificant. This is because engines just calculate tactics, and not concrete plans. The real truth is that 10.Kf2 is much, much superior to 10.e5.

What you have to learn at that level is the generic opening PRINCIPLES and follow them faithfully, and not learning opening moves.

Am I clear enough?

Yes, thank you very much Smile