
information on what my opening is called?


this is how i would write it. My script may be wrong but im sure its pretty explanitiory.

 c4, Nc3, d3, Ng3, e4, Bd2, Bf2, 0-0


 c4, Nc3, d3, Ng3, e4, Bg5, Bf2, 0-0?

Any info would be great.


It's an English Opening with a Botvinnik System pawn structure.


1.c4 is the English opening. The Botvinnik System includes pawns on c4, d3, and e4 but also a kingside fianchetto which you are not playing. The Botvinnik System is ideally adopted after 1.c4 if and only if Black plays the King's Indian Defense.


Thanks likesforest.

Also could you give me any insight into this kingside fianchetto? would it help my opening?

Also any insight into the kings indian defence?

lol and if i could be so annoyingly persistent could you tell me what this opening is called? e4. nc3. bc4. d3. nf3. bg5. 0-0.

Thanks for the help.