
I can't believe this opening trap actually worked this well


Been researching a lot of traps in the opening, most of them rarely work but this one did like a charm


Move 10. Nf7+

However, I don’t approve of such a line for White.

Move 2. exd5 is Killer move!

The Scandy is bad!


The effectiveness of an opening trap in various scenarios can be surprising. A well-executed trap not only captures attention but also encourages engagement, making it a powerful tool for storytelling or presentations. The key lies in its ability to draw the audience in, making them eager to see what happens next. This technique can enhance suspense and intrigue, leading to a more compelling narrative.

Invictus22 wrote:

Been researching a lot of traps in the opening, most of them rarely work but this one did like a charm

If you are white, actually you could fork his king and queen in step 10 to step 11

Invictus22 wrote:

Been researching a lot of traps in the opening, most of them rarely work but this one did like a charm

And you were trying to the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Gambit (Don't know if there are wrong spelling)?

ChessGuyLarry wrote:
Invictus22 wrote:

Been researching a lot of traps in the opening, most of them rarely work but this one did like a charm

If you are white, actually you could fork his king and queen in step 10 to step 11

Ah yeah I missed that one, was focusing on any counter attacks he might have but that would have really ended it. He resigned at that point but computer evaluation was +10.4 with that queen fork Nf7+ vs +7.59 for c4

ChessGuyLarry wrote:
Invictus22 wrote:

Been researching a lot of traps in the opening, most of them rarely work but this one did like a charm

And you were trying to the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Gambit (Don't know if there are wrong spelling)?

I was looking for him to play the Caro Kann or Scandanavian so I could do this trap, the computer refers to it as "Reti opening: Tennison Gambit". I'll have to check out the intercontinental ballistic missile.
I got checkmated in 8 moves by the Englund gambit and ever since then I've been learning all the traps I can.

Compadre_J wrote:

Move 10. Nf7+

However, I don’t approve of such a line for White.

Move 2. exd5 is Killer move!

The Scandy is bad!

Yes I can't believe I missed Nf7+ lol

Compadre_J wrote:

Move 10. Nf7+

However, I don’t approve of such a line for White.

Move 2. exd5 is Killer move!

The Scandy is bad!

Oh, pish-posh. The Scandi isn't a bad opening.

It works just fine all the way up to the 2100s. Most people don't bother learning how to play against it.

punchdrunkpatzer wrote:
Compadre_J wrote:

Move 10. Nf7+

However, I don’t approve of such a line for White.

Move 2. exd5 is Killer move!

The Scandy is bad!

Oh, pish-posh. The Scandi isn't a bad opening.

It works just fine all the way up to the 2100s. Most people don't bother learning how to play against it.

I am so sorry High Level Chess players fooled you into believing the Scandy is good.

Allow me the opportunity to be honest with you and tell you the truth.

The Scandy is bad and hopefully you can learn to play some other Opening before it ruins your chess career.

As a person who uses the Center Counter Defense I always smile when I see this trap. It works once, if that. I suspect it's probably the reason why Bf5 is preferred over Bg4 (to shutdown tactics that are similar) 

But by all means keep playing these lines ... (and people keep saying the Center Counter Defense is suspect... but can't point to one forcing line that refutes the defense... and in the meantime the defense keeps growing in popularity.


Either 3...Bf5 or 3...e5 and Black is better.

Compadre_J wrote:

I am so sorry High Level Chess players fooled you into believing the Scandy is good.

Allow me the opportunity to be honest with you and tell you the truth.

The Scandy is bad and hopefully you can learn to play some other Opening before it ruins your chess career.

Allow me the opportunity to tell you that you are neither a prophet, nor a good chessplayer- so your opinion has no value at all.


i.e. Mazetoshylo believes that an opinions validity is based not on the rationale of the opinion but rather some authority of the opinion holder. A misconception that so many egotistical nerds on this site seem to hold but I will gladly correct it again here.

ibrust wrote:

i.e. Mazetoshylo believes that an opinions validity is based not on the rationale of the opinion but rather some authority of the opinion holder. A misconception that so many egotistical nerds on this site seem to hold but I will gladly correct it again here.

Ohhhhh isn't that the POT calling the Kettle Black!!!!!

Didn't you do just that with me on the thread about the Dutch defense?

Wow.... who's egotistical?

Mazetoskylo wrote:
Compadre_J wrote:

I am so sorry High Level Chess players fooled you into believing the Scandy is good.

Allow me the opportunity to be honest with you and tell you the truth.

The Scandy is bad and hopefully you can learn to play some other Opening before it ruins your chess career.

Allow me the opportunity to tell you that you are neither a prophet, or a good chessplayer- so your opinion has no value at all.

Does my opinion need to have value in order for it to be correct?

Let me ask you a question Maze.

Do you believe the Scandy is a Good Opening?

ibrust wrote:

i.e. Mazetoshylo believes that an opinions validity is based not on the rationale of the opinion but rather some authority of the opinion holder. A misconception that so many egotistical nerds on this site seem to hold but I will gladly correct it again here.

Claiming nonsense without any beef (almost certainly because you don't have any) is a ridiculous thing to do.

The Weeping Prophet Jeremiah certainly sounded more convincing than @Compadre_J and he didn't even know how to play chess.

Compadre_J wrote:
Mazetoskylo wrote:
Compadre_J wrote:

I am so sorry High Level Chess players fooled you into believing the Scandy is good.

Allow me the opportunity to be honest with you and tell you the truth.

The Scandy is bad and hopefully you can learn to play some other Opening before it ruins your chess career.

Allow me the opportunity to tell you that you are neither a prophet, or a good chessplayer- so your opinion has no value at all.

Does my opinion need to have value in order for it to be correct?

Let me ask you a question Maze.

Do you believe the Scandy is a Good Opening?

Show us a forcing line that is truly bad for Black.

I await your revelations