How to Control Dutch Defense and nimzo indian defense
With 1.d4 Nf6, I like to reply 2.Nc3 without playing c4. If he responds with 2...e6 anyways, I like to push 3.e4 setting him up for a trap (see the game in the opening forum on the BDG.
Against the dutch, you can use the game Lasker vs Thomas as a guide or play the Steinitz gambit with 2.e4.
Good day. I am always using Queen's Gambit or Queen's Pawn Opening as my armor in every game when i'm playing white. But the usual problem that I encountered is how to control the dutch defense or the nimzo indian defense of my opponent. everytime i encountered these defenses, i lost my tempo and agressive style of playing. Can you give me and advice on how to deal with this/ thank you.