
How to Control Dutch Defense and nimzo indian defense



Good day. I am always using Queen's Gambit or Queen's Pawn Opening as my armor in every game when i'm playing white. But the usual problem that I encountered is how to control the dutch defense or the nimzo indian defense of my opponent. everytime i encountered these defenses, i lost my tempo and agressive style of playing. Can you give me and advice on how to deal with this/ thank you.

You can avoid the Nimzo with 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 or 3.g3.  With the Dutch, 1.d4 f5 2.g3 and 3.Bg2 should be OK. 

With 1.d4 Nf6, I like to reply 2.Nc3 without playing c4. If he responds with 2...e6 anyways, I like to push 3.e4 setting him up for a trap (see the game in the opening forum on the BDG.

Against the dutch, you can use the game Lasker vs Thomas as a guide or play the Steinitz gambit with 2.e4. 


avoid Nimzo by playing

I also find the Nimzo annoying as its a very solid defense as well as very popular. I have tried many things against the nimzo including the leningrad variation 4Bg5, an old favorite of Spassky's with mixed results. Bill's recommendation is good if you want to avoid the Nimzo completely. An even better way to avoid both the nimzo and the dutch is to play 1e4.  Smile
Play 3.nf3 instead of nc3 and prepare for a queen's indian.
there are many variations  and i hope to show you all from ECO code a80-a99 but i dont know how to post at game showcase and ill post all games in my book Dutch Defense new and forgotten ideas.
though this are good variations for black, you should not avoid this becoz one wrong move for black and he is lost. see my posts unforgettable dutch game. there im playing white and he accepted the gambit pawn e4. which gave white a good game.