
How do you respond to 1. e4?

Bossinater43 wrote:

I'm just curious as to why people play different moves. When you have the black pieces, what's your favorite response to 1. e4 and why?

Personally I love the French Defense (1... e6) because it opens up the Queen and dark-square Bishop but also allows me to push d5 and normally c5 even.

I prefer the Caro-Kann, but I also use the French and variations of the French if I've played them before and they have a really crappy playing style. I wouldn't suggest using 1...e5 against e4 because it allows white to play the Danish gambit, Ruy Lopez, and Closed Italian variations.


C3 bro caro kann

astropikachu wrote:

C3 bro caro kann

c6 same difference

As a beginner, I normally just go e5 and then play Nc6, and Bc5

Yeah sorry c6


E5, because if they make a single mistake in their development sequence, I'm popping Qh4 and doing this to them;

or this

This is so disgusting I hesitate to show it.