You can check that out
You can check that out
I think the issue for White is that Black can play 2..Nc6 or 2..e5 and prevent White from playing d4, thus gaining some equality in the centre. 2..Nc6 seems to score well, according to the Game Explorer - Black gets ahead in development and controls d4.
I know 2. c4 is quite an inaccurate move. I know in my gut there is something wrong with it. Is there any titled player or really strong player that knows a good way to punish it.
You dont, and cant punish white, unless whites plays incredibly bad. With normal play the center will be closed, and you play on the wings. Study the Botvinnik System of the English for an idea how to play this.
just seems to go into the Maroczy setup. Solid. Creates control with d5, will play the usual d4. If you exchance on d4 then you can play d6 and go after c4. You already have the open c-file.
He might not play d4 tho. In which case it becomes more like English.
You can play e5, but this is not in the spirit of the sicilian and few sicilian players would play that.
I think you should play e5 and then play Botvinnik's system against the English. You shouldn't be so insistent on an open Sicilian. Plenty of complexity in the position, better player wins. Very easy opening for Black, white can't get any advatage in the opening.
I agree to have the "punish" attitude vs this move, should not allow Maroczy unless already a part of your repertoire with black, even then you give white opportunity to play for a edge with Maroczy. My favorite plan vs 2.c4 is a early e5, d6, f5, Nc6 .. move order depending what white plays, works well specially if white play Nf3.
Seriously? Time-wasting troll? ANOTHER one? really lacks sense of humor.
White is pretty much committed to a Botvinnik Structure. This is no good for White.
I cringe when I hear players say that they play a Botvinnik structure against everything. Bad, bad, BAD idea!
The Botvinnik Structure is only effective against the lines with an early ...e5. The "Symmetrical Botvinnik" is EQUAL AT BEST for White.
I know 2. c4 is quite an inaccurate move. I know in my gut there is something wrong with it. Is there any titled player or really strong player that knows a good way to punish it.