The best way to start learning openings is to understand what the opening, at the very basic level, is about. The opening is about developing your pieces and preparing your position for the middlegame, which is where the meat of the game, usually takes place. Of course, some opening lines transition very quickly to the endgame, but those are the exceptions.
How to prepare for the middlegame, in very general terms, when in the opening phase will depend on how both sides make their initial 1 - 6 moves. What has to happen for the middlegame will depend on the opening used by both sides. To understand those openings, you will need to learn basic opening principles for those specific set-ups.
Studying good quality games with plenty of annotations will help you understand the big picture from beginning to end. Using good quality texts will also help you understand the purpose and the methods used for making good opening moves in order to prepare for the rest of the game.
I suck at chess and I just want to be able to get my pieces out and learn how to develop normally. I know all the basic rules of development, but there's more to it. How do I learn more about development and openings besides just memorizing lines?