
Dragondorf Sicilian


This is my first game using the dragondorf sicilian. This is my second day on this site and I'm 14. Enjoy!


Good game, never call your opponents idiots though. (move 30) 


I'm just joking. I was a bit irritated to notice that I could have taken the h1 rook for almost ten moves for entirely free!


Aha :D


34.. "here is where it goes bad for him", hes already down 11 points worth of material, I think it may have gone bad a while ago.

Tyger1998 wrote:

I'm just joking. I was a bit irritated to notice that I could have taken the h1 rook for almost ten moves for entirely free!

Where could you have taken the rook? I scrolled through your game and it was always protected.

Tyger1998 wrote:

I'm just joking. I was a bit irritated to notice that I could have taken the h1 rook for almost ten moves for entirely free!

Yes, 24...Be4 was a funny move.

Your comments are basically worthless. If you are going to comment on a game, at a minimum you should identify any turning points (advantage swings to the other player), look at the opening and see what you will play differently/better next time, and look at the endgame if there was one.

  1. Indeed 11.Nd5 was a blunder, you identified that. But you should have analysed some other line for white and try to evaluate who is better. A move is only a question mark in relation to some better alternative. Sometimes when trying to find a better move, we find there wasn't one and the real mistake was earlier in the game. This is when the most chess education happens.
  2. In the opening if you put it in a game explorer (there is one here but I use you will see *nobody* plays 7...g6 there, so the question is why not? Now you use an engine and find out that 8.a4 b4 9.Nd5! gives white too much initiative. Try to find some equalizing line for black and the engine will always come out on top. Just playing around with this one position for 30 minutes will teach you more about the Dragodorf than 20 victories against an opponent who will play 8.a3? Plus this a2-a4 ...b5-b4 Nc3-d5 is a constant theme in the Open Sicilian, it crops up in countless other positions so you need to know when it's good for white and when it's good for black. The only way to know this is one example at a time.
  3. There was no endgame to learn from, better luck next game.

I would in the future recommend e6 at some point in the opening to blunt the light square bishop- that diagonal is extremely strong for White in both the dragon and the najdorf. It didn't end up mattering because he willingly traded it for the knight, but still.


i mean hes not wrong it did transpose into the najdorf and white just didnt enter it in the classical move order with 3 d4

OGminister56 wrote:
Tyger1998 wrote:

I'm just joking. I was a bit irritated to notice that I could have taken the h1 rook for almost ten moves for entirely free!

Where could you have taken the rook? I scrolled through your game and it was always protected.

His rook.